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Title:  The true remedie against famine and warres Fiue sermons vpon the firste chapter of the prophesie of Ioel, wherein the councell that the holy Ghoste gaue the Israelites to redresse the famine which they felt and preuent the warres that were threatened to come vpon them; is applied in particular vnto our present time: Preached in the time of the dearth. 1586. By Iohn Vdall, preacher of the worde of God at Kingston vpon Thames.
Author: Udall, John, 1560?-1592.
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The fourth sermon. Verse. 9. The meat offering and the drinke-offering is cutte off from the house of the Lord, the priests the lords ministers mourn.THe meat-offering, &c.) Hauing shewed the sorrowe that they were to conceiue,14 in regard of the heauy hand of God vppon them, and also the maner how it was to bee increased by the comparison of the virgin mourning for the husbande of hir youth, and knowing that this true and vnfeigned re∣pentaunce, is hardly perswaded vnto fleshe and bloud, because naturallie wee like not of it, he proceedeth now to lay open the cau∣ses, that were yet further to induce them therevnto: the first whereof consisteth in the consideration of the miserye that was vpon them in regard of the temple, and the publike seruice of God: for when he sayth, The meat-offering and drinke-offering is cutte off from the house of the Lord, his meaning is as much as if hee should say▪ haue you not great cause to mourne and lament? seeing that the temple which is your glory amōg the nations, and the daily sacrifices where∣with you daily serued God there, shall by 0