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Title:  A commentarie vpon the Lamentations of Ieremy vvherein are contained; first, the method and order of euery chapter layd open in seuerall tables; then, a literall interpretation of the text out of the Hebrew, with a paraphrasticall exposition of the sense thereof: afterward, a collection of diuers doctrines, gathered sometimes out of a whole verse in generall, or from the coherence of the text; and sometimes out of the particular words of the same; with examples, now and then, shewing how the same doctrines haue bin verified in experience; moreouer, the reason or proofe of euery doctrine; and lastly, the particular vses, that are to be made of them, for the edification of the Church of God.
Author: Udall, John, 1560?-1592.
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The fourth Chapter.HOw] i. in what wonderful manner, and by what strange meanes [is the goldeVerse 1.darkened] i. that glorious Temple, that shined with golde, wherewith it was a∣dorned, is now made most base in ap∣parance [the most fine golde is changed] i. that parte of the Temple which was most beautifull, being couered with the finest gold, is cleane altered informe, and seemeth most abiect to looke vnto [the stones of holinesse] the stones dedicated to holie vses [are scat∣tered] are here and there dispersed [in the head of euery street] i. in the corners and by-places as things of no value.Doctrine. [golde darkened] There is nothing so glorious 1 in this life, but it will be made vile when Gods angrie coun∣tenance is vpon it, for the sinnes of men. The reason is, be∣cause, nothing hath excellencie in it, but at his appoyntment and pleasure. The vse is, first, to reproue them that thinke they may flourish, though they neuer meddle with religion, which teacheth the way to attain the fauour of God. Second∣ly, to teach vs, so carefull as we are to enioy the things of this life in their kind, to our comfort, to be so diligent to growe in the feare of God, & auoyding of sin, which displeaseth him.Doctrine. [stones of holinesse are scattered] When GOD giueth power into the handes of the wicked ouer his people, 2 they make hauocke of those things that bee most pretious. The reason is, because, first, the power of GOD, which none can resist, is then with them to the same purpose. Secondly, the hatred of the wicked against the godly, reacheth euen to all those things that they haue any vse of. The vse is, to teach vs, to be humbled, whensoeuer it falleth out so with vs, seeing it cannot be but vpon Gods displeasure for our sins.Doctrine. [scattered] Those things that are most pretious in the eyes of the godly, are reiected as worth nothing by 30