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Title:  The combate betwixt Christ and the deuill Foure sermons vpon the temptations of Christ in the wildrenes by Sathan, wherein are to be sene the subtle sleightes that the tempter vseth agaynst the children of God, and the meanes that God hath appointed to resiste him, sanctified to our vse in the example of our Sauiour Iesus Christ. By Iohn Vdall preacher of the word of God, at Kyngston vpon Thames.
Author: Udall, John, 1560?-1592.
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certaine meates & forbid the rest, & so 1. Tim. 4. 2. 3. Augustine Epist. 86. to Castulanus. why Christ fasted four∣tie dayes & 40. nightes. teache the doctrine of Deuils: Lastly, Christ prescribed no set tyme of abstinēce, nor the Apostles after him, neither knew the primatiue Church any for 400. yeares after they prescribe a determinate tyme (by an inuiolable law vnder ye great eurse) as that of the Meedes and Persians whiche may not be altered. But let them goe, and let vs come to the right vse of this action, whiche is, first in fulfillyng that which the like (ofErod. 34 25.Moyses deliueryng the law and 1. Kyng. 19. 8.Eliah restoring the law) did prefigure: to shewe that it is he who is the end of the law, and the fulfiller of the same, to the tur∣nyng away of the curse, which through the breach thereof was due vnto all mankind: Secondly, it is to shew that great and ex∣traordinarie actiōs are not to be enterpri∣sed lightly or rashly, but with great & singu¦lar preparation, which beyng not obserued among vs. the Lord doth iustly punish our headynes, with ill successe (as is especially to be sene in ye course of the Magistracie & Ministry of this whole land) the Lord lay it not to their charge whose fault it is.(He was afterward hungry) that is for the 0