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Title:  Amendment of life three sermons, vpon Actes 2. verses 37. 38. conteining the true effect of the worde of God, in the conuersion of the godly: and the maner how it changeth their harts, and reformeth their liues, which is the true vvorke of regeneration. By Iohn Vdall, preacher of the worde of God, at Kingstone vpon Thames.
Author: Udall, John, 1560?-1592.
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fewe: and therefore here may arise a question, how I may assure myne owne soule and cōscience that they be particu∣larly applied vnto me. Which is an∣swered thus by doctrine, though euery man féeleth best by his owne experience when the word is preached to many, we sée that it is effectuall onelie to fewe, because in the most it knocketh only in their outward eares, & moueth them no∣thing at al: but to those few vnto whom it is effectuall, God openeth their hearts that they attend vnto the word: and as byAct. 16. 14. the same he speaketh, through the mini∣stery of man, vnto the outward eares, so inwardly he preacheth vnto the soule by his holy spirit, whereby those words are ingraffed into their hearts, & they vnfai∣nedly perswaded of them in their soules: which spirit doth kéep cōtinual residenceRom. 8. 16. in their hearts afterward, assuring them of his mercy. This S. Paul setteth down, saying we haue not receiued ye spirit of bōdage to feare againe, but the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba father: ye same spirit witnesseth we ours, that we 0