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Title:  Amendment of life three sermons, vpon Actes 2. verses 37. 38. conteining the true effect of the worde of God, in the conuersion of the godly: and the maner how it changeth their harts, and reformeth their liues, which is the true vvorke of regeneration. By Iohn Vdall, preacher of the worde of God, at Kingstone vpon Thames.
Author: Udall, John, 1560?-1592.
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faith, (as in a place conuenient shall be proued) then any part of the whole: all which things in some measure more or lesse are to be found in all them that are Gods children and haue receyued anySorrow for sin what it is. tast of his grace. The first, Sorrowe for sinne may be thus defined: it is a griefe of the soule for sinne, wrought by the iudgementes of God, layed out in his word, whereby the party conuicted is truly humbled. I call it a griefe of the soule, because it bringeth man euen into the gulfe of con∣demnation, and setteth before his eies the heauie wrath of God and hell torments, that his owne conscience telleth him he hath iustly deserued. This was wrought2 Sam. 12. 13. 2 King. 22. 11. in Dauid, when his owne mouth con∣demned him to be the child of death. It was in Iosias when his heart melted at the hearing of the Lawe expounded vnto him. It was in Marie that washed ourLuk. 7. 38. Sauiour Christ Iesus his féete with hir teares: it was in these that cried out in the anguishe of their hearts: men and brethren what shall we doe: it is in all 0