Asylum veneris, or A sanctuary for ladies Iustly protecting them, their virtues, and sufficiencies from the foule aspersions and forged imputations of traducing spirits.
D. T. (Daniel Tuvill), d. 1660.
Page  [unnumbered]

To the nice and daintie READER.

Hath one conceit by chance fild vp a side,
Thou skip'st it ore, & doest the work deride.
Amongst them all, those which the briefest be,
And not the best, are pleasing'st vnto thee.
I haue not spar'd to furnish out my bord,
With all choise Meats, the Shambles could af∣ford
Veale, Mutton, Lamb, Pig, Capon, but in sooth
Saue iūkets, nothing likes thy lickerish tooth.
We such a Reader, trust me, doe not neede,
As too much like an Epicure doth feede:
Giue me that Man, who when he sits to eate,
Will fill himselfe with bread, as well as meate.