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Title:  Fiue hundreth points of good husbandry vnited to as many of good huswiferie first deuised, & nowe lately augmented with diuerse approued lessons concerning hopps & gardening, and other needefull matters : together with an abstract before euery moneth, conteining the whole effect of the saide moneth : with a table & a preface in the beginning both necessary to be reade, for the better understandinge of the booke / set forth by Thomas Tusser ...
Author: Tusser, Thomas, 1524?-1580.
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8More worke, for the laboring man,as well in the towne as the fielde.Or thereof (deuise if ye can)more profit, what countreis do yelde?More seldome, where se ye the poore,go begging from doore vnto doore.9In Norfolke, beholde the dispaire,of tillage, to much to bee borne,By droeuers from faier to faire:and others destroying the corne.By custome & couetous pates,by gapps & by opeing of gates.10what speake I of commoners bye,with drawing all after a lyne,So noying the corne, as it lye,with cattle, with sheepe & with swine.when all is bestowed the cost,looke halfe of the same to be lost.11The flocks, of the lordes of the soyle,do yerely the winter corne wrong,The same in a manner they spoyle.with feeding so lowe & so long.And therefore, that champion fielde:doth seldome good winter corne yelde.12More profit is quieter found,(where pastures in seuerall bee)Of one silly acre of ground,Then Champion maketh of three.0