A pithie and short treatise by vvay of dialogue, whereby a godly Christian is directed how to make his last will and testament to dispose well and wisely of his temporall goods; and how to prepare himselfe to the Lord, to depart this world peaceably and comfortably, committing himselfe in soule and body, into the hands of God, his faithfull Creatour.
Jones, William, b. 1581 or 2, attributed name.

All that before said being finished and fully accomplished, here followeth a prayer, containing the summe of all, very pro∣fitable for one in that case to contemplate of.

O Lord my God, I am now rea∣dy, when it pleaseth thee, to ap∣peare before thy iudgement seate, to giue vp an account of my steward∣ship,* Page  21 as all men must do, when thou shalt call them. Of thy bounty ô mer∣cifull Father, I receiued and haue en∣ioyed all these worldly things, for my better and more chearefull ser∣uing of thee, in my Iourney to∣wards heauen: and not mine, but thine they be ô Lord: and therefore now I leaue them to those whō thou in thy word hast commanded me to dispose them vnto. I know deare Fa∣ther that the same which thy word saith, the same wilt thou thy selfe say, and nothing else, when my soule shal appeare before thy tribunall: what∣soeuer thy word iustifieth, that wilt thou iustifie; whatsoeuer thy word condemneth, that wilt thou con∣demne. Knowing therefore the ter∣rour of thy wrath against all sinne, I haue endeuored to the vttermost, ac∣cording to thy grace giuen me, (for of my selfe I can do nothing that is good) to finish and close vp this my Page  22 mortall life, by the sacred line and rule of thy holy word in euery thing. As therefore, heauenly Father, thou hast ordained it a rule in nature, that fathers should lay vp for their chil∣dren,* and giue them their portions to their abilities; so haue I endeuoured to do. As thou hast dealt with thy Churches and children, so haue I thy vnworthy seruant endeuored to fol∣low thy example in reprouing vice,* in commending vertue, in encouraging in goodnesse, and discouraging and condemning all euill: in blessing where thou dost blesse, and cursing where thou dost curse; in louing most those that loue thee most, and least those that shew least loue to thee. I haue giuen most to those whō thou in thy word commandest me to giue most vnto, and least to those to whom thou in thy word appoyn∣test least vnto. For I know ô Lord, that as thou didst appoint out the Page  23 lots and seuerall portions of thy peo∣ples inheritāces in the land of Canaā, namely of Iacobs twelue sonnes: and Ioshua whom thou appointedst to deuide it vnto thine,* might not distri∣bute any otherwise then thou didst appoint him, more, or lesse: so should I and all thy seruants, as neere as pos∣sible we can, follow thy direction therein. And if I haue not so done to the vttermost of my power, but dealt partially through carnall affection: if I haue looked least to thy glory, and most to worldly respects, then wo be vnto me, now I am approaching be∣fore thee, to giue vp mine accounts. But thou ô Lord seest the vprightnes of my heart, that I desire to do in all things as thou commandest: be mer∣cifull vnto me deere Father in Christ thy sonne, according to the vpright∣nesse of my heart, and passe by all my infirmities. I know ô heauenly Fa∣ther that there shall be iudgement Page  24 mercilesse,* to him that sheweth not mercie. That he must be pitifull and compassionate,* that would haue thee pitifull to him. That he which will not forgiue,* shall neuer be forgiuen of thee. O Lord, I freely from my heart forgiue al that euer haue wron∣ged me, and am therein comforted that thou also hast freely forgiuen me for Christs sake: and I beseech thee ô Lord to forgiue all those, that haue done me wrong, and pardon all their sinnes, if it be thy blessed will. And Lord in mercie behold all thy peo∣ple; those that feare thy name in truth establish them to the end therein: those that are yet in blindnesse, open their eies to see the things pertaining to their saluation. And let the light of thy Gospell shine more and more brightly to the banishing of all errour & ignorance throughout the whole world, if it be thy blessed will. Parti∣cularly for my children & posteritie, Page  25 (members of thy Church,) Lord blesse them and their seede to the end of the world; and let thy bles∣sings both spirituall and temporall be powred plentifully vpon them: esta∣blish those of them, that are already effectually called to thy feare, and strengthen them euery way to the end therein. Conuert those of them that are not yet so effectually called, and make them all zealous in thy waies, to their euerlasting saluation through Iesus Christ. Thou gauest them me O Lord, the greatest bles∣sing of all worldly blessings: and now I resigne them vp to thee againe, beseeching thee to be a Father vnto them as thou hast bene to me, and them too, euer since we had a being. O teach them to bring vp their chil∣dren in thy feare, and to esteeme that aboue all worldly things whatsoeuer. And thus Lord I commend my selfe, soule, body, and all that I haue, into Page  26 thy hands, beseeching thee to quali∣fie my paines, and giue me strength and patience to the end to beare the extremitie thereof. And hasten sweete Sauiour to deliuer me out of miserie, and wipe away all teares frō mine eyes; euen so, come Lord Iesus, come quickly, Amen, Amen: and let thy whole family in heauen and in earth say, Amen.

Me thinkes I heare this ioyfull sen∣tence sounding in mine eares, Come thou blessed of my Father, inhe∣rite the kingdome prepared for thee, from the begin∣ning of the world. Mat. 25.34.

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