A pithie and short treatise by vvay of dialogue, whereby a godly Christian is directed how to make his last will and testament to dispose well and wisely of his temporall goods; and how to prepare himselfe to the Lord, to depart this world peaceably and comfortably, committing himselfe in soule and body, into the hands of God, his faithfull Creatour.
Jones, William, b. 1581 or 2, attributed name.
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To the Reader.

THE holy Patriarch Ia∣cob being demanded by Pharaoh how old he was, answered, his daies were few and euill;* and yet the time of his pilgrimage had bene an hundred and thirty yeares; welnigh double mans ordinary race in this latter age. Holy Iob also out of his owne sense & experience witnesseth in these words,* Man that is borne of a woman is of short continuance, and full of trouble. Our daies are few and euill, and full of trou∣ble; to weane vs from setting o•• affecti∣on and loue vpon this life which is sub∣iect to so much vanity and molestation; and to teach vs to employ, and vse well and wisely the short and vncertaine time that is lent vs, being so deare and preci∣ous, Page  [unnumbered] as being once past cannot at any rate be recouered and got againe; and there∣fore while we haue time so to bestow it, as not onely our selues may be benefited, our soules comforted, our calling and election assured; but also God himselfe glorified, and our brethren and neighbours by our good example prouoked, and by our good instruction allured to religious and holy duties. And this duty of drawing others to God and godlinesse, as it concerneth the Ministers and teachers of Gods word publickly, so parents and maisters of fa∣milies priuately.* The father, saith the Prophet Esay, shall declare thy truth to his children: and so likewise the maister, who is the father of the family, is to per∣forme the like dutie to his seruants. Oh that all whom it concerneth would be carefull in this case, and shake off that carelesnesse, security and forgetfulnesse of this duty, which too too much preuai∣leth in these daies! Then would they be∣stow more time than they do in instru∣cting, Page  [unnumbered] gouerning and bettering them∣selues, their charges and their families, in the knowledge, seruice and obedience of God; and so should they rightly answer their name of Paterfamilias, & be true fathers of their families. Great wil be the anguish, sorrow, griefe, perplexitie and distresse, that the neglect and omission of this duty may hereafter procure vs vpon our death-beds, by a gnawing and gri∣ping of consciēce for our failing herein; & on the other side great is the comfort, ioy, peace, solace, quiet of conscience and tranquility of mind, that the godly and conscionable performance hereof will bring vs in that day when we shall lie vpon our bed of sorow, as Dauid calleth it Psal. 41.3. in the greatest extremities, paines and pangs of death. As it comfor∣ted Iob in his most grieuous calamity, that he had not cōcealed or denied the words of the Holy one.* A full & certaine assurance hereof to the conscience, at that day will be more worth then all treasures Page  [unnumbered] of gold and siluer. This might be confir∣med by many places of Scripture, and il∣lustrated by many examples, but we a•• in a preface, and not in a treatise, and therefore vnfit to be long and tedious; and the rather because the treatise it selfe is so short and cōpendious. Yet as short as it is, you shall finde therein the perfor∣mance of this duety laid forth in ve∣ry excellent manner, which many serue both for prouocation to moue vs vnto it, and for direction to enforme vs in it. It is quickly read being so short, & not hard to be practised if God giue grace. The God of grace from whom cometh euery good and perfect gift, enlighten our vn∣derstandings that we may know; quicken and stir vp our affections, that we may desire; & direct our actions, that we may do those things that are pleasing in his sight; that after his short and miserable life is ended, we may liue in heauen, where in his presence is all fulnes of ioy,* and pleasures for euermore. Amen.