Here begynneth a newe boke of medecynes intytulyd or callyd the Treasure of pore men whiche sheweth many dyuerse good medecines for dyuerse certayn dysseases as in the table of this present boke more playnly shall appere. The boke of medecines.

¶Another for the same.

¶Take the roote of Peleter of Spayne & wasshe it clene & stāpe t & make therof thre small balles in thy hande / euery ball of the greatnesse of a plombe / & lay the fyrst ball bytwene the cheke & the tothe yt aketh by the space that one may go a myle / and euer as the wa¦ter gadereth spyt it out / & whā thou thynkes it hathe ben ther so longe put it out & put in another / & do so tyll thou haue spende all thre / & than lay yt vpon thy bedde & couer the well & warme / and whan thou hase slepte thou shalbe hole / for his medycyne hase ben proued many tymes.