Here begynneth a newe boke of medecynes intytulyd or callyd the Treasure of pore men whiche sheweth many dyuerse good medecines for dyuerse certayn dysseases as in the table of this present boke more playnly shall appere. The boke of medecines.

¶The fyfte water.

¶The fyfte water is suche that with it you may do many merueylous thynges. Take Lymell of syluer Golde Latyn Coper Iron Stele & lede. Also take Lytarge of golde & syluer / & take Camemell & Co∣lumbyne and stepe all togyder in the vryne of a man chylde that is made by a daye and a nyght. The se∣conde day in whyte wyne. The thyrde day in ye ioyce of fenell. The fourthe day in ye whyte of egges. The fyfte day in womans mylke that noryssheth a man chylde. The syxte day in reed wyne. The seuēth day in whyte of egges / and vpon the eyght day blende al these togyder and dystyll the water of them / & kepe this water in a vessell of golde or syluer. The vertu∣es of this water is thus. Fyrst it destroyeth meselry and dose away all maner of sekenesse of the eyes / ye perle / the skomme of the teres and the quyters / and draweth agayne into theyr owne kynde the eye lyd∣des that ben blered. And it slaketh the ache of ye heed And yf a man drynke it it kepeth his vysage lōge to be yonge. There is no mā that can tell halfe the ver¦tues of this water.