Here begynneth a newe boke of medecynes intytulyd or callyd the Treasure of pore men whiche sheweth many dyuerse good medecines for dyuerse certayn dysseases as in the table of this present boke more playnly shall appere. The boke of medecines.

¶To do awaye scabbes.

¶Take the redde Docke rotes and pympernell and Scabions Sorell of boyse & Celondyn and stampe them & temper them with maye Butter thā frye thē well to gether and strayne them into a clene vessell & caste therto a good quantite of brymstone pouder & thā stere it well tyll it be colde and ther withe a noyn¦te the seke tyll he be hole.