Here begynneth a newe boke of medecynes intytulyd or callyd the Treasure of pore men whiche sheweth many dyuerse good medecines for dyuerse certayn dysseases as in the table of this present boke more playnly shall appere. The boke of medecines.

¶A nother for the same.

¶Also take grece of netys fete and a lytyl hertys su¦et and a noynt the sore well ther with and then tae a tyle stone and hete it in the fyre & as hote as ye may syt theron and if ye haue no tyle stone take a stole & hete it hote / and if it blede take a lytell bole armony¦ac and put to grece and suet and vse them to gether.