The historie of foure-footed beastes Describing the true and liuely figure of euery beast, with a discourse of their seuerall names, conditions, kindes, vertues (both naturall and medicinall) countries of their breed, their loue and hate to mankinde, and the wonderfull worke of God in their creation, preseruation, and destruction. Necessary for all diuines and students, because the story of euery beast is amplified with narrations out of Scriptures, fathers, phylosophers, physitians, and poets: wherein are declared diuers hyerogliphicks, emblems, epigrams, and other good histories, collected out of all the volumes of Conradus Gesner, and all other writers to this present day. By Edward Topsell.
Topsell, Edward, 1572-1625?

Of griefes in the withers.

TO a horsses withers and backe, do chance many griefes and sorances, which [ 50] as Russius saith, do sometime proceed of inward causes, as of the corrup∣tion of humors, and sometime of outward causes, as through the galing and pinching of some naughty saddle, or by some heauy burthen laide on the horsses-backe or such like. And of such griefes some be but superficiall Page  367 blisters, swellings, light gals or brusings: and be easily cured. Some againe do pierce to the very bone, and be dangerous, and especially if they bee nigh the backe bone; let vs first then shew you the cure of the smaller griefes, and then of the greater.