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Title:  Eight bookes of the Peloponnesian Warre written by Thucydides the sonne of Olorus. Interpreted with faith and diligence immediately out of the Greeke by Thomas Hobbes secretary to ye late Earle of Deuonshire
Author: Thucydides.
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and as much from Malea, a Promon∣tory of Lesbos, to which it is opposite▪ Strab. lib. 13.Canastraea, A Promontory of Pallene. He¦rd. lib. 7. Strab. Epit. lb. 7. Liuy, lib. 44.Cahareus, a Hauen of Euboea, on the out side, not farre from Geraestus. Herodot. ib. 7.Caphyae, a City of Arcadia, not farre from Orchomenus. Polyb. lib. 4. the Riuer Ladon runneth betweene it and Psophis. Paus. in .Cardamyle, a City of Laconia, betweene Phaae and Lectra, by the Sea side, in the Mssenia Bay. Strab. lib. 8. distant from the Promontory of Taenarus 400. Furlongs. Paus. in Laconicis. It is also a City in the Iland Chios. Thucyd lib. 8.Cardya, a City in the Isthmus of the Thracian Chersonnesus, vpon the Sea-side in the black Bay [or Bay of Melas] Herod. lib. 6.▪ an Iland in that Sea, which called from it Mar Caathium, hath to the Noth, the Sea called carium, to the South, the Sea, to the West, the Cretik and African Seas. Strab. in the end of the tenth Booke.Carye, a Towne in Arcadia, betweene and Pheeum, in the confines of both, distant from Pheneum threescore Furlongs. Paus. in Arcadicis., a City of Euboea, at the foot of the Mountaine Ocha▪ Strab. lib. 10. Marathō a City of Attica, is equally distant from it and Athens. Paus. in Atticis.Casus, an Iland in the Capathian Sea, fm Carpatis 80 furlongs, and from a Promontory of Crete, 250. in quan∣tity 80 furlongs about. Strab. lib. 10., a Hauen in the Chersonnesus of ▪ at the foot of the Mountaine Co∣ryus. Strab. lib. 14., a mritime City of Lycia, subiect to the Rhodians, by the Riuer Calbis. Strab. . 14., a Riuer of Asia, falling into the Sa at phess, so as the mouth of it is the Hauen of the Ephesians, Strab. lib. 14. When made a iourney against Sardes, they left their Fleet at Corsus, and then went vp by the Riuer Catrus, and then o∣uer the Mountaine , and so to . Herod. . 5., a Region of Attica, betweene the Hils and . Thucyd. lb.., a place mentioned in the first Booke of Thucydides. Plny hath the I∣land , opposite to , and istant from it 6 miles. The Scholiast. and . put it in the West parts of Peloponne∣▪ falsely.Cneum, a Promontory of Euboea, oppo∣site to the Promontory of nemides of the Locrians, and to Thermopylae, Strab. lb. 9.Cnchreae, a Hauen of the Corinthians, on the side of the Isthmus that lyeth towards Athens. Thucyd. lib. 8. Cenchreae on one side, and chaeum on the other, containe the Isthmus. Paus in Corinthiacis.Ceos, an Iland, one of the Cyclades, the neerest to the Iland Helena, Strab. lib. 10.Cephallenia, an Iland ouer against Acarna∣nia, distant from Leucadia tenne furlongs, Strab. lib. 10. Tucyd. lib. 2. and hath in it 4 Cities, Pale, Same, Prone, Cranij, Thucyd. lib. 2.Cephissus, a Riuer, which rising about Li∣laea, a City of Phocis, and going by Elatea, Daulia and Phanotis, Cities of Phocis, and Chaeronea and Coronea, Cities of Boeotia, fal∣leth into, at Coronea, and filleth the Lake called Copais. Afterwards, an Earthquake opening the way, it went on to the Sea, and entred it at Larymna, a Towne of Boeo∣tia, opposite to Aegae of Euboea. Strab. lib. 9. Also a Riuer of Attica, rising in the Terri∣tory of Eleusis, and falling into the Sea by Piraeus. Paus. in Atticis.Ceraunij, Mountaines of Epirus, on the Sea-side, in the entrance of the Jonian Gulfe. Strab. lib. 7.Ceraunus, a Towne betweene Cnidus and Halicarnassus, from whence also the Bay there is called the Ceraunian Bay. Strab. lib. 14.Cerdylium, a Hill of the Argilians, beyond Strymon, neere Amphipolis. Thucyd. lib. 2.Cercine, a Mountaine betweene Thracia and Macedonia, the same deuideth the Pae∣onians from the Sintians. Thucyd. lib. 4.Cestrine, a Region of Epirus, deuided from Thesprotis by the Riuer Thyanis. Thucyd. lib. 1. The Chaians and Thesprotians haue all the Sea coast from the mountaines cal∣led Cerauij, to the Ambracian Bay, (there∣fore Cestrine seemeth part of the Chaonians) Strab. lib. 7. called Cestrine from Cestrinus the sonne of Helenus. Paus. in Corinthiacis.Chaeronea, a City of Boeotia, confining on Phocis, twenty furlongs distant from Pano∣peus or Panotis, and scituate vpon the Ri∣uer Cephissus. Pausan. in Phocicis. Strab. lib. 9.Chalce, an Iland, one of the Sporades, di∣stant from Telos 80 Furlongs, and from Carpathus 400 Furlongs. Strab. lib. 10.Chalcedon, a City of Bithynia, ouer against Byzantium▪ Strab. lib. 12. in the mouth of Pontus Euxinus. Ibid. Thucyd. lib. 4.Chalcis, a City of Euboea, at the Euripus. Herodot. lib. 7. Strab. lib. 10▪ Also a Citie of Aetolia, vpon the Riuer Euenus, on the East side of it, Strab. lib. 10. beneath Caly∣don. Idem lib. 9.Chalcidea, a Region ioyning to Thrace, containing most of the Townes vpon or neere the Sea, from the mouth of the Ri∣uer Strymon, to Potidaea in Palene. This may bee gathered out of Thucydides. It was so named, for that they were Colo∣nies of Chalcis in Euboea, either immediate or deriued.Challaei, the people of a City of the Locri Ozolae. Thucyd. lib. 3.Chaonia, a maritime Region of Epirus, beginning at the Mountaines called Ce∣raunij, and together with Thesprotis reach∣ing as farre as the Ambracian Bay. Strab. lib. 7. It is diuided from Thesprotis by the Riuer Thyanis. Thucyd. lib. 1.Chedorus, a small Riuer of Macedonia, which rising in Grestonia, runneth into the Riuer Axius. Herod. lib. 7.Cheimerium, a Promontory of Epirus, be∣tweene the Ilands called Sybota, and the the mouth of the Riuer Acheron. Strab. lib. 7. vide Acheron.Chelonata, a Promontory of Elis, between the Promontories of Araxus and thys. Strab. lib. 8.Chersonnesus signifieth any portion of Land that is almost enuironed with the Sea; but for the most part, when there is no word added to determine the significa∣tion, it is here that Territory of Thrace, which is included with these three Seas, Propontis, Hellespont, and the Blacke Bay, Melas. Strab. Epit. lib. 7. In the Isthmus of this Chersonnesus standeth the City Cardya, at the side toward the Blacke Bay, and Pactya on the part toward Propontis. Herod. lib. 6.Chius, now called Scio, an Iland and Ci∣ty of the Ionians. Herod. lib. 1. distant from Lesbos about 400. Furlongs, and 900. fur∣longs in circuit. Strab. lib. 13.Chrusis, a part of Mygdonia so called▪ Steph.Chrysopolis, a Village of the Chalcedonians, in the mouth of Pontus. Strab. lib. 12.Cimolis, an Iland, one of the Cyclades. vide Cyclades. It lyeth West of Sicinus, Pholegan∣dros, and Lagusa. Strab. lib. 10.Cirrha, a City of Phocis, in the Corinthian Bay, ouer against Sicyon. Strab. lib. 9. di∣stant from Delphi threescore furlongs▪ from Delphi to Cirrha runnes the Riuer Plistus. It is the Hauen or Towne of shipping for Dlphi. It confineth vpon Locris. Pausan. in Phocicis. He maketh it the same with Cris∣sa. vide Crissa.Citarius a Mountaine of Macedonia, ioy∣ning to Olympus, out of which riseth the Riuer Eurotas. Strab. Epit. lib. 7.Cithaeron, a Mountaine of Attica. When the Persian Campe vnder Mardonius lay a∣bout Asopus in the Territory of Plataea, the Army of the Grecians that were encamped at the foot of Cithaeron, were opposite to them. Herod. lib. 9. Plataea is betweene Cithaeron and the City of Thebes. Strab. lib. 9.Citium, a City of Cyprus.*Claros, an Iland, one of the Sporades. Ex Ortelij thesauro. Also a City belonging to the Colophonians, Paus. in Achai. betweene the mouth of the Riuer Caystrus and the City of Colophon. Strab. lib. 14.Clazomenae, an Ionique City in Lydia. He∣rodot. lib. 1. Scituate in the Chersonnesus of Erythrae, confining on the Erythraeans, these being within, the Clazomenians without the Chersonnesus. Betweene Clazomenae and Teos, acrosse the Isthmus it is but fifty Furlongs, but round about by Sea, a thousand Fur∣longs. Presently without the Isthmus, where it is narrowest, stands Clazomenae. Strab. lib. 13. Before it lye 8 little Ilands. Idem. lib. 14.Cleitor, a City of Arcadia, betweene Pso∣phis and Caphyae. Polyb. lib. 4. It confineth on the Territory of Pheneum, towards the East. Paus. in Arcadicis.Cleonae, a City of Argia, betweene Argos and Corinth, confining on the Phliasians. Paus. in Corinthiacis. Also a City in the ter∣ritory where Mount Athos standeth. Herod. lib. 7. Thucyd. lib. 4.0