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Title:  Thrēnoikos The house of mourning; furnished with directions for preparations to meditations of consolations at the houre of death. Delivered in XLVII. sermons, preached at the funeralls of divers faithfull servants of Christ. By Daniel Featly, Martin Day Richard Sibbs Thomas Taylor Doctors in Divinitie. And other reverend divines.
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Use 4. If there be some Saints of God here, let us choose to be of their acquaintance, and keepe their company, because they doe best of all know the way to heaven; and it is good to goe safely that journey, by direction of the best and most skilfull guides, lest we misse it in those places where the way turnes, or where the path is not so well beaten as the other Roade.2. Gods Saints doe also die. The Death of his Saints] Holinesse frees not from death. Abel, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, the Pro∣phets, the Apostles, the Fathers, are all dead. Your Fathers, where are they? and the Prophets, doe they live for ever? Zach. 1. 5. God cuts off both the righteous and the wicked, Ezek. 21. 4. The righteous perisheth, and the (hhasidim) the mercifull men, or the men of god∣linesse are taken away, Es. 57. 1. Yea, and often-times as Menander,. Men. was able to observe it, Whom God loves best hee takes soonest. An observation much like that, in 1 King. 14. 12, 13. That sonne of Ie∣roboam, who only of that family had some good thing in him, was taken away young.But whether sooner or later, their holinesse frees not from Reas. death: rich gilding upon an earthen pot, keepes it not from brea∣king. They are made of the same mettall, of the same clay with other men. The Apostles that brought the treasures of grace to the is Testa, Such a tyle, brick, or Pot, as is made of burnt clay. world, were themselves, Testacea vasa; so Saint Hierome: Vasa fictilia; so Saint Gregorie, but only earthen vessels, 2 Cor. 4. 7. Clay in the hand of the potter; Es. 64. 8. And therefore all things in this respect come alike to all, Eccl. 9. 2.Use 1. If such die, then Death is not alwayes evill; for sure it is not evill to them to whom all things worke for good, Rom. 8. 28. The sting of it is gone. And though it have not a pleasant looke to entertaine us with, it is but as a rude groome that opens the gate by which we must passe to a better place, and to better company. The godly have many advantages by death, 1. Rest from their la∣bours. 2. A Crowne when they have finisht the race, 2 Tim. 4. 7, 8. 3. Freedome from danger of sinning any more, Rom. 6. 7. Moriar? De∣sinam alligari posse, desinam aegrotare posse, desinam posse mori. 4. Death frees from a possibilitie of further dying, 2 Cor. 5. 1. Let mee die, saith Seneca, and what hurt comes by that? I can bee bound no more, I can bee sicke no more, I can die no more.5. They goe presently to God. While we are at home in the body, wee are absent from the Lord: Wee are willing rather to be absent from the body, and to bee present with the Lord, 2 Cor. 5. 6. 8. I desire to bee dis∣solved; to bee with Christ, Phil. 1. 23. 2 Tim. 4. 6. Wee wrong death, when we call it horrid, it is sinne which makes it to be so, else it is but conceit. There is often more paine in a tooth-ake, then in dy∣ing. Teares, and blacke cloth, and the tremblings of the guilty doe disguise Death, and make it looke terrible. Hee that said, it was of all terrible things the most terrible, was himselfe an Heathen, 0