A full deuoute and gostely treatyse of the imytacyon and folowynge the blessed lyfe of our moste mercyfull Sauyour cryste compyled in Laten by the right worshypful Doctor Mayster Iohn Gerson: and translate into Englisshe the yere of owre lorde M.d.ii. by maister william Atkynson Doctor of diuinite: at ye speciall request [and] co[m]maundeme[n]t of the full excellent Pryncesse Margarete moder to our souerayne lorde Kynge Henry the. vii. and Countesse of Rychemount and Derby.
Atkinson, William, d. 1509., Gersen, Giovanni, Abbot of Vercelli, 14th cent., attributed name., Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471, attributed name.

¶ The .lvi. chapter / A man shulde gyue hym to hū¦ble warkes whan he is nat inclyned or dysposed to hye warkes.

SOne thou mayst nat alway stande in feruent desyre of vertue / nor in the hyghe degre of cōtemptacion / Page  [unnumbered] but it is nedefull to the sometyme for ye fyrst corrupcion of mankynde to descende to lower thynges / and to bere the burden of this corruptyble lyfe with tedyousnes & agaynst thy wyll for as lōge as thou berest thy mortall body thou shalt fele wery¦nes & heuynes of thy herte / thou must therfore why∣les thou lyuest in this mortall lyfe ofte mourne and sorowe of the burden and contradyccyon of thy bo∣dye to thy soule for that thou mayst nat contynually and without cessynge gyue hede and cleue to spūall studyes and to godly cōtēplacyon / then it is expedy¦ent to the to fle to lowe and outwarde warkes / and to take thy recreacyon in the exercyse of good dedis & so to abyde fermely my cōmynge and heuēly vysy¦tacyon / and with that pacyenlye to suffer exyle and drynesse of mynde / vnto that I vysyte the agayn & delyuer the frome all tedyousnes / for I shall make the forgete all such anoyes & labours & to ioy in in∣warde quyetacion of soule / I shall lay afore the con¦solaciōs of scrypture that with glad herte thou may begyn to walke in my cōmaūdemtes & say the pey∣nes and passyons of this worlde be nat worthy to ye glory of heuen / the which shalbe manyfested & shew¦ed in vs after this lyfe.