A full deuoute and gostely treatyse of the imytacyon and folowynge the blessed lyfe of our moste mercyfull Sauyour cryste compyled in Laten by the right worshypful Doctor Mayster Iohn Gerson: and translate into Englisshe the yere of owre lorde M.d.ii. by maister william Atkynson Doctor of diuinite: at ye speciall request [and] co[m]maundeme[n]t of the full excellent Pryncesse Margarete moder to our souerayne lorde Kynge Henry the. vii. and Countesse of Rychemount and Derby.
Atkinson, William, d. 1509., Gersen, Giovanni, Abbot of Vercelli, 14th cent., attributed name., Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471, attributed name.

¶ The .iiii. chapter how by prayer we may opteyn to deuocyon.

Page  [unnumbered]THou good lorde arte all goodnes / I am nat worthy to speke to the thy excellence is suche I am thy moost poore seruaūt & moost abiecte wor¦me moost poore & cōtemptyble of all other for I am very noughte / nothynge hauynge ne nothynge of valoure / thou alone good lorde arte god ryghtwyse and holy thou arte almyghty / thou geuest all thyng thou fulfyllest all thynges / leuynge all onely the syn¦full voyde of grace / haue mynde good Lorde of thy merytes & fulfyll my hert with thy grace for thy wor¦kynge is neuer voyde / Howe may I lyue withoute great anguysshe & perplyxyte in this wretchyd lyfe but if thy grace & mercy cōforte me / wherefore I be¦seche ye that thou turne nat thy gracious face of hel∣pe from me / tary nat thy vysytaciō from me wt draw nat thy swete consolaciō fro me / that nat my soule be aryfyed & be made as drye erthe withoute the moy∣stoure of grace / good lorde teche me to knowe & ful∣fyll thy wyll teche me to lyue humbly and worthely in thy pleasure for thou arte all wysdom ī the which thou knewe me before the worlde was and before I was brought into this lyfe by naturall byrthe.