A full deuoute and gostely treatyse of the imytacyon and folowynge the blessed lyfe of our moste mercyfull Sauyour cryste compyled in Laten by the right worshypful Doctor Mayster Iohn Gerson: and translate into Englisshe the yere of owre lorde M.d.ii. by maister william Atkynson Doctor of diuinite: at ye speciall request [and] co[m]maundeme[n]t of the full excellent Pryncesse Margarete moder to our souerayne lorde Kynge Henry the. vii. and Countesse of Rychemount and Derby.
Atkinson, William, d. 1509., Gersen, Giovanni, Abbot of Vercelli, 14th cent., attributed name., Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471, attributed name.

¶ The .xxxv. chapter how man shuld aske the helpe of God trustynge in hym to recouer grace loste by deuout prayer.

Page  [unnumbered]SOne sayth our Lorde to his louer I am thy lorde god: that do conforte my setuauntes in the daye of trouble / come therfore to me whan it is nat well with the / it doth lette ye to haue cōsolacyon from aboue: that thou slowly fallest to prayer for a remedye / for before thon prayest to me deuoutly for helpe and consolacyon / thou sekest many inwarde consolacyons for thy refresshynge whiche all auay∣leth the lytell vnto thou conceyue in wardlye that I alonly delyuer and helpe in nede them that trust in me / & without me there is novaylable or profytable coūceyll ne remedye durable & abydynge / but resu∣me thy spyryt & be recōforted ī the lyght of my mer∣cyes for I am ere & redy to repayre all thynges yt be ruynous / nat onely to the state that they were of before / but also to theyr perferciō / no thyng is to me harde or impossyble / I am nat lyke to the yt sayste more than thou doste i dede / for my worde & dede is alone / where is thy fayth? stāde fermely & {per}seuerāt¦ly ī thy fayth & my seruyce / be strōgely abydynge in me / & thou shalt haue cōfort ī tyme cōuenyēt / abyde me & I shall come sone & hele the / it is a lytell tēpta∣cyon that doth vere the / & a vayne drede that dothe fere the / why art thou busy about thynges or chaun¦ces nat yet beynge but for to come the which encrea¦seth thy heuynes / it is suffycyent to the day his wyc¦kednes / it is but vanyte or Idlenes to be troubled or to be glad at y auēture of thyng{is} to come whiche {per}auenture shall neuer fall / but manys cōdycyon is to be disceyued by such Imagynaciōs / & it is a tokē Page  [unnumbered] of an vnstable soule / that is so soone led fro god by suggestion of the enemy for he pōderith nat wheder he deceyue by true suggestyons or fals: wheder he throw downe by the blynde loue of thīg{is} p̄sent or by drede of thyng{is} for to come / be yu nat aferde ne trow¦bled in soule / trust in my mercy whan thou trowest to be farre fro me / I am ofte more nere the / whan yu wenest to be holly lost: than thou moost deseruest re¦warde / all this is nat lost whā thou felest {con}trarious∣nes in thy mynde / thou shulde nat iuge after thy sē∣suall felynge ne take euery veracyō hopynge neuer to escape it / repute the nat all forsake whā I sēde ye any trybulaciō / for by such trybulacyō it is come to the kyngedome of heuē / it is more expedyēt to the / & to my other seruaūtes for to be {pro}ued in aduersitees than to haue eche thynge after theyr wyll / I knowe the hyd thoughtes of mā / it is expedyēt to thy helth & saluacyon to be lefte some tyme to thy selfe wtoute gostly sauer / that thou be nat inflate by pryde & lyft vp aboue thy selfe thīkyng the to be better thā thou art in dede / I may take away whā my lyste that I gyue to any man / & restore it to them whan I wyll / whā I gyue any gyft or grace to any {per}sō it is myne that I gyue / and whan I withdra we it I take but myn owne / for al goodes & euery {per}fyte gyft is myn if I sende y any trouble bodely or gostly dysdeyne nat therof ne let nat thyn hert fall therby into great heuynes / for I may sone lyfte the vp agayn & chaū∣ge thy heuynes into ioy / neuertheles I am rightwy¦se & moche to be recōmēded & loued whan I sende ye Page  [unnumbered] such aduersyte or scourges / if thou wyltvnderstāde yu ought neuer to be heuy for ye aduersytes yt I sēde the: but rather to thāke me / & to repute it a synguler ioy that I spare the nat in suche peynfull afflycciōs that I sende the / for I sayde to my dyscyples / I lo∣ue you as my father dyd me / though I sēde you īto the worlde nat to haue ioyes of the world but great batayles / nat to haue worldly honours but despyt{is} nat to be Idle but to labour / nat to haue rest but to gader moch frute of saued people into the barne or church of god lyke as I was sent to also / haue mīde sone also of these word{is}.