A full deuoute and gostely treatyse of the imytacyon and folowynge the blessed lyfe of our moste mercyfull Sauyour cryste compyled in Laten by the right worshypful Doctor Mayster Iohn Gerson: and translate into Englisshe the yere of owre lorde M.d.ii. by maister william Atkynson Doctor of diuinite: at ye speciall request [and] co[m]maundeme[n]t of the full excellent Pryncesse Margarete moder to our souerayne lorde Kynge Henry the. vii. and Countesse of Rychemount and Derby.
Atkinson, William, d. 1509., Gersen, Giovanni, Abbot of Vercelli, 14th cent., attributed name., Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471, attributed name.

¶ The .xii. chaptre The de¦sire of herte is to be examined & modered.

SOnne saith our lorde to his louer thou must yet lerne many thynges y thou hast nat yet well lerued / yt is to say that thou order thy desyre / & affeccion alway after my pleasure so that thou loue nat thyn owne desire or {pro}fite but yt thou ī al thīges a couetous louer & a folower of my wyll thou haste many desirous risinge & mouynge the: but cōsider well whither yu art moued in them for myn honour only or more for thy owne auaile or {pro}fite. if. I be the cause of thy mouinge thou shalt be well cōtent what so euer I sende vnto the. & if any thīge be hyd in thy desire of thyn owne will or sechynge: so that thynge is it that anoyeth and greueth the outwardely and within forth both / beware therof that thou lene nat to moche to thyne owne desire / me nat counseled y same thīge that before pleased the / displeseth the af∣terwarde. Euery thinge that man desireth is nat to be folowed shortly / ne euery cōtrarious affeccion y Page  [unnumbered] man lotheth or hateth is to be fled at the firste. It is expedient somtyme to vse a bridell restraynynge in good affeccions & cūnynge or other besinesses & of idiscrete behauiour folowe the distracciō or brekīge of mānis mynde / that thou by thy īdiscreciō be nat an occasion or sklaunder to other. Also that thou be nat sodaynly troubled or inquyete by other mēnes resistence. It is somtyme behofull to a man that he vse violēce & resist his sensual appetite / & nat to giue he de what it desireth & what nat: but rather īdeuor hym that it be subiecte by vyolence to the soule. this sensuall appetite is to be subdued by disciplene to y soule vnto it be made redy to obeye in all thīges to reason vnto it haue lerned to be content with fewe thynges & necessarye without al grutchīge ageīste any incōuenyent thynge.