Wit and mirth chargeably collected out of tauernes, ordinaries, innes, bowling greenes, and allyes, alehouses, tobacco shops, highwaies, and water-passages : made vp, and fashioned into clinches, bulls, quirkes, yerkes, quips, and ierkes : apothegmatically bundled vp and garbled at the request of old Iohn Garrets ghost
Taylor, John, 1580-1653.
Page  [unnumbered]


AN old Recorder of a City in this Land was busie with a Country Mayor, in the meane space they were interrupted by a fellow that was brought before him for killing of a man: my Lord asked the fel∣lowes name, who answered, his name was Gilman. Said my Lord, take away G, and thy name is Ilman put K to it, thy name is Kilman, and put to Sp and thy name is Spil∣man, thou art halfe hang'd already (as the prouerbe sayes:) for thou hast au ill name, let a man vary it how he can.

The Mayor all this while stood by mu∣sing at my Lords canuasing the mans name, and afterward being at home among his owne good people, hée had an offender brought before him for getting a Wench with child: Master Mayor asked him his name: the fellow said, if it please your worship my name is Iohnson. Then Ma∣ster Mayor (striuing to Imitate my Lord) said, take away G and thy name is Ilman, put K to it, it is Kilman, put Sp to it, and thy name is Spilman, thou art a knaue, thou hast an ill name, and 〈◊〉 shalt bée hanged, &c.