Wit and mirth chargeably collected out of tauernes, ordinaries, innes, bowling greenes, and allyes, alehouses, tobacco shops, highwaies, and water-passages : made vp, and fashioned into clinches, bulls, quirkes, yerkes, quips, and ierkes : apothegmatically bundled vp and garbled at the request of old Iohn Garrets ghost
Taylor, John, 1580-1653.


THis Gallant in his youth was much addicted to dicing, and many times when hee had lost all his money, then hee would pawne his cloake, and so goe home without either cloake or coyne, which grie∣ued the Lady his mother very much: for remedy whereof, she caused all his doublets (of what stuffe soeuer) to bee made with 〈◊〉 painted backes, whereon was fa∣shioned 2 fooles, which caused the gentle∣man euer after to kéepe his cloake on his backe, for feare two of the thrée should bee discouered.