An armado, or nauy, of 103. ships & other vessels, who haue the art to sayle by land, as well as by sea morally rigd, mand, munition'd, appoynted, set forth, and victualled, with 32. sortes of ling, with other prouisions of fish & flesh
Taylor, John, 1580-1653.
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Iohn Smith of his friend Master IOHN TAYLOR and his Armado.

ARme, Arme, Arme, Arme, great Neptune rowze, awake
And muster vp thy monsters speedily:
Boreas vnto thy blustering blasts betake,
Guard, guard your selues, from Taylors policy,
Rockes, shoales, Lee-shores, oh helpe them Goodwin sands,
For this new Fleete runnes ouer Seas and Lands.
And's now so victua'ld, rigd and yarely plyes,
It threatens all the waters, ayre and skies,
Truth in his Nauy such a power doth leade,
The Deuill, Hell, vice and all, the Fleet may dreade.
And well it may, if well you vnderstand,
So rare a Fleet, was neuer made nor man'd.