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Title:  Certaine experiments concerning fish and fruite: practised by Iohn Tauerner Gentleman, and by him published for the benefit of others
Author: Taverner, John.
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thereon, and sinke it in a riuer at that time of the yeare, and take it out suddenly the next morning, and you shall find likewise many small Eeles therein. The reason is, at that time of the yeare that riuer being full of such young Eeles, they will creepe into euery thing that is sweete and pleasant.Eeles come from the brackish and sea wa∣ter. And for proofe that the sayd Eele frie doe come out of the brackish waters against the streame into all other Riuers, Rils, and Ponds, if in the be∣ginning of the Sommer you do diligently ob∣serue at the taile of any water Mill,In the riuer of Seuerne I haue seene great store of these small Eele frie taken going a∣gainst the streame, when they are no grea∣ter then a wheate straw. especi∣ally neare vnto any great riuer, you shall see them in great numbers early in the morning, and late in the euening, in Iune or Iuly at the chinckes and holes in the floud-gates to labour exceedingly to get vp against the streame, although they be often times driuen backe with the violence of the water, yet cease they not still againe to labour vntill they haue gotten vp against the streame. The like do Sal∣monds,Eeles go a∣gainst the streame, and so doth most other fish in the spring time. Barbils, Troutes, Roch, Date, Cheuin, Gogions, and other riuer fish at Weres and Dammes in great riuers, for that they couet to spawne in shallow waters, and not in the deepe: the which thing when they haue performed,Fish couet to go downe the streame in the latter end of the Sommer. they then presently couet to go downe the streame vntill they come vnto the brackish or sea water.It may be here expected that I should set downe the baites to be vsed for all kind of pond-fish,Baites for euery seue∣rall fish. for all seasons of the yeare, but therein 0