1582. Ianuarij decimus. The pathwaie to martiall discipline Now newly imprinted, and deuided into three bookes. Wherevnto is added the order and vse of the Spaniards in their martiall affaires: which copie was lately found in the fort in Ireland, where the Spaniards and Italians had fortified themselues. The first booke: entreateth of the offices from the highest to the lowest, with the lawes of the field, arming, mustering, and training of souldiers. The second boore [sic]: entreateth of sundrie proportions and training of caleeuers, and how to bring bowes to a great perfection of seruice: also how to march with a campe royall: with diuers tables annexed for the present making of your battells, as otherwise to know how many paces they require in their march & battels from 500. to 10000. The third booke: comprehendeth the very right order of the Spaniards, how to traine, march, and encampe, with diuers tables therein contained.
Styward, Thomas., Gutierrez de la Vega, Luis, b. ca. 1509. De re militari. English. aut, Lichefield, Nicholas.

Certeine points to the Lieuetenants charge.

LIeuetenants of euery band ought to be men of great experience and ripenesse of seruice, whose authoritie in ye absence of the capteine extendeth to examine, trie, reforme, correct & amend any offence within the band cōmitted, & also day Page  37 and night to bring the companie with the ensigne to the place of assemblie, there in order, traine and exercise the same, as to the necessitie of seruice doth apperteine, and béeing commaunded by the higher powers to march to∣wards the enimies, must encounter and fight with the same, as if the Captaine were in presence, who vpon im∣pediment must sometimes bée absent, otherwise to the Liuetenants charge apperteineth to watch, warde, ap∣proch, conduct, aduance against the enimie, & to encoun∣ter, animate, comfort, and also to encourage the compa∣nies by word and déede, and as néede serueth to retire, continually mainteyning skirmish vntill he haue reco∣uered some place of safegard.