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A true Discourse.
Declaring the damnable life and death of one Stubbe Peeter, a most wicked Sorcerer, who in the likenes of a Woolfe, committed many murders, continuing this diuelish practise 25. yeeres, killing and de∣uouring Men, Woomen, and Children.
Who for the same fact was ta∣ken and executed the 31. of October last past in the Towne of Bedbur neer the Cittie of Collin in Germany.
Trulye translated out of the high Duch, according to the Copie printed in Collin, brought ouer into England by George Bores ordinary Poste, the xj. daye of this present Moneth of Iune 1590. who did both see and heare the same.
AT LONDON Printed for Edward Venge, and are to be solde in Fleet-street at the signe of the Vine.