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Title:  The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London.
Author: Stow, John, 1525?-1605.
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, as more a large appth by a Proclamati∣on, is haue some speciall r▪ to the , but▪ also to the reforng and iniurious attempts, of dyuers that of late time by other colour th for hir▪ Maiesties vse, had taken away the lead of Churches and Chappels▪ yea and Belles also out of Stée∣ples▪ and other comon gd belonging to parishes, an example not to be suffred vnpunished, nor vnreformed. And so hir Maiestie etes chargeth hir Justices of hir Assise to prouide seuere remedy, bothe for punishement and refor∣mation thereof. Dated at Westminster the thirtéenth daye of February, the fourteenth yers of hir raigne.The tenth of March deceassed sir William Pawlet knight,Sir VVilliam Pavvlet Lorde Treasourer de∣ceassed. Lorde Sent-Iohn Earle of Wiltshire, Marques of Winchester, Knight of the Honourable order of the Garter, one of the Quéenes Maiesties priuy Counsell▪ and Lorde high Trea∣sorer of England, at his Manour of Basing. Thys worthy man was borne in the yeare of our Lorde 148. the firste yeare of King Richarde the thirde, and lyued aboute the age of 87. yeares▪ in sixe Kings and Quéenes dayes. He serued fiue Kings and Quéenes, Henrie the seauenth▪ Henrie the eight, Edwarde the sixth, Quéens Marie, and Quéene Elizabeth. All these he serued faithfully, and of them was greately fauou∣red. Hymselfe did sée the chyldrn of hys children children, growen o the ber of 03. A blessing gyuen by God to men of hys ing.The xxv. and xxvj. of March, by the commaundement of the Quéenes Maiestie, hir Councel▪ the Citizens of London assembling at their all Halles, the Maisters chose oute he moe persons of euerye their compa∣nies, to e of thrée thousande, whom they appoyn∣ted to be Pikemen and ▪ h Pikemen were forthwith armed in are and r furniture, according there vnto▪ the Gunners had euery of them hys Callyuer, with the furniture, and on theyr heaes▪ To these 0