Satyrical essayes characters and others. Or Accurate and quick descriptions, fitted to the life of their subiects. Iohn Stephens
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Satyrical essayes characters and others. Or Accurate and quick descriptions, fitted to the life of their subiects. Iohn Stephens
Stephens, John, fl. 1613-1615.
London :: Printed by Nicholas Okes, and are to be sold by Roger Barnes, at his shop in Saint Dunstanes Church-yard,
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Characters and characteristics -- Early works to 1800.
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"Satyrical essayes characters and others. Or Accurate and quick descriptions, fitted to the life of their subiects. Iohn Stephens." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.
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CHARACTER. III. A good Husband
IS the second part of a good man: hee chalenges no more nor lesse from Art or Nature, then doth become his facultie, and giue comfort to his wife; so he doth not (by striuing to please) seeme low minded; nor by ouer-valuing his proper∣ties, proue a tyrant. His behaui∣our and discourse promise no more then he meanes, and may very well iustifie. Hee is not al∣together to bee chosen by the common weight, or standard; for his best parts be invisible. A good wife shal know him quick∣ly to bee worth her taking: for h••e enquires out her worthi∣nesse first. He is not therefore
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put to much trouble of being denied twice: for if hee thinkes he can prevaile amisse, prevaile too soone, or not prevaile, be∣cause hee is too good; hee hath the modesty to refuse first: but otherwise, if opinion dares sus∣spect, and so refuse him first, hee may account it happinesse, be∣cause he was refused so soone: hauing (by that meanes) escaped one who could not discerne him. The honor of a good wife makes him no more vnpractised in the patience of a bad, then if hee conversed with her: so his ver∣tues be habituall, not enforced. The misery of a bad wife like∣wise hath no more ••nraged him to discredit all, then the worthi∣nesse of a good one hath moued him to bee an Idolater: So his blessing is, not to augment his curse, or curse his blessing. The
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highest end of his marriage pre∣meditated, is to resolue how he may desire it without end. Hee feeles not the absence of youth by a decay in lust; but measures the approach of a crooked body by his entire affection. Hee nei∣ther deceiues himselfe with a foolish confidence, nor drawes a disadvantage to himselfe, by being distrustfull: for he may bee acquainted with those, to whom hee cannot safely com∣mit his wealth, much lesse his wiues honesty; but hee never suspects, before he be past suspi∣tion, and every thing be appa∣rant. Hee hath (notwithstan∣ding) no friend whom hee dares make his deputie. Hee seekes ra∣ther to bee well knowne, then commonly noted: for beeing knowne, hee cannot bee mista∣ken; but otherwise it is very
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doubtfull. Hee hates not her, but hers; and that with a hope to make her detest herselfe, not bee divorced from him: for hee couets rather to bee daily amending her, then make a new hazard, or want resolution. Hee may dislike therefore his wiues humour, and loue her in the same quantitie. Hee cannot bee chosen, because a better is absent: for hee is himselfe, the president & the paterne. He can∣not therefore be refused, if he be well known: For being good, hee proues the best, and beeing so, the best Husband.
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