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Title:  [Certen] instruct[ions, obseruati]ons and orders militarie, requisit for all chieftaines, captaines [and?] higher and lower men of charge, [and officers] to vnderstand, [knowe and obserue] / Composed by Sir Iohn Smythe, knight, 1591. And now first imprinted. 1594.
Author: Smythe, John, Sir, ca. 1534-1607.
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might haue best leisure to be absent from their mo needefull and necessarie Countrie affaires.Also I would that no horsemen,No foot alter their vpon . nor footmen to what armor and weapon soeuer they bee inrolled, should alter or chaunge themselues from the same kinde of armors and weapons that he or they are inrolled vnto vpon verie se∣uere punishment, without the special appointment of their Captain, or Captaines; and therefore it is verie conueni∣ent that al Captains aswell of horsmen as footmen should euer haue all their officers of their bandes alwaies ready & wel known to their whole bands,The office al bands to be well knowne to soldiors of bands & the bands to the as also the whole bāds vnto them: as their Lieutenantes, their Ensignebearers, their Sergeants: And that all those officers should be men of credite and account, and inhabiters in the same shires, and that al those officers should haue the muster Rolles of the names of all the souldiors with their different wepons that they are inrolled vnto, in as great perfections as the Captaines: that thereby, as also for diuers other causes they should haue a continual eie that the souldiors of their bands should not through any kinde of negligence grow into any imperfections, or disorders; And therewithall that the Corporals of the footmen, who should haue 50. souldiors vnder their seuerall charges, (their own persons in that number conteined) should neuer be without a per∣fect Roll of the particular names of the souldiors of their Corporalates, and to what armor and weapons euery sol∣dior is inrolled, and where they dwell: And therewithall that they should haue speciall care, to see and diligently to inquire, whether the souldiors of their charge and Corpo∣ralates do vpon such holidaies as aforesaid, exercise them∣selues with their weapons, in the Townes, parishes, ham∣lets, or plaes where they are ordinarilie resident as also that at conuenient times they should see whether their arming aparell, armors and weapons be well and order∣lie kept without any thing lacking: And for the orderlie obseruation and performance of all the most requisit mat∣ters by me before set downe, as also others that haue no0