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Title:  [Certen] instruct[ions, obseruati]ons and orders militarie, requisit for all chieftaines, captaines [and?] higher and lower men of charge, [and officers] to vnderstand, [knowe and obserue] / Composed by Sir Iohn Smythe, knight, 1591. And now first imprinted. 1594.
Author: Smythe, John, Sir, ca. 1534-1607.
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as also through the smalnesse and great number of their compertiments or diuisions of diuers different sorts of weapons, a great deale more slow and vnfit to be reduced into great battles or squadrons, then great bāds are: which mine opinion, because I haue fortified and proued the same with certen examples & many reasons in my booke of discourses, which I set foorth and caused to be printed 1590. and yet that the same hath beene by certen apassionate Gentlemen with many malicious and vaine words void of all reason militarie, denied in certen malicious libelling pamphlets by them in written hande in many places dispersed contrary to all ciuilitie and pro∣fession militarie; I wil againe in this place rehearse & set downe a part of that which is conteined in my foresaid booke of discourses, and wil fortefie the same with such reasons and examples, as any man that is of any discreti∣on may manifestlie see the great ignorance and lacke of skill of those that doo thinke, that many small comperti∣ments of piquers and of weapons of volee may be assoon brought into any forme of battle, with sleeues, winges, forlorne hopes, &c, as great bandes of 500. that do con∣sist of great compertiments of different sorts of weapons may; And therefore the words of my booke of discour∣ses to proue my foresaid proiect, are in a manner verba∣tim, these following.When the great Princes of Germanie vppon any oc∣casion or iniury offred, are disposed to make Warre one against another, or vpon an imperiall army assembled to inuade or resist the Turk, beeing bounde as they are by their Tenures Militarie to the Empire, some to finde Horsemen,The causes and reasons where∣fore y• Princes of Germanie doe vse great bandes of 500, in their seruice of the Empire. and others to finde footemen at their owne charges, they then vppon such occasions haue alwaies vsed, and doo still vse to forme their Regiments of foot∣men into great bands of 500. to an Ensigne, & that they vse especiallie for two causes; the one thereby in their re∣gimentes and so consequentlie in their whole Armies to saue the pay of a great sort of Captaines, Lieutenantes 0