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A briefe comparison betwixt Rei∣sters, Carabins, or Argolettiers, so much vsed in forren parts in these our dayes; & Crosse-bowers and Archers on horsebacke, which were vsed by the English, and diuers other Nations many yeares past: With mine opinion also, concerning which of those weapons are of greatest effect for serui∣ces in the field.
DIuers of our English Captains and Gentle∣men that haue serued in the 〈◊〉〈◊〉 warres of the Lowe Countries, or perad∣uenture some time in the ciuill warres of France, do so praise and magnifie the shot of Cara∣bins or Argolettiers (as they terme them) and of Rei∣sters, which are Pistollettiers, that they will not ad∣mit any shot on horsebacke to be comparable vnto them, imitating therein diuers forren Nations, that in these dayes doe vse those weapons on horseback. In which their opinions I doe not meane to touch them with any blame, because I do not remember a∣ny Nation in these West parts of Christendome, that doe vse at this present anie other. Howbeit, when I come to consider of such shot on horsebacke as hath bene vsed in times past, which are the Long-Bowe and the Crosse-bowe, and that there be some principall Gentlemen and Captaines of diuerse Nati∣ons yet aliue, that haue seen them vsed in the field, as namely of our English, that graue and most experi∣enced Gentleman sir Iames Crofte; & that I do com∣pare the vnreadines, imperfections and small effectes of the weapons of fire aforesaid, with the readinesse, perfections and great effectes of Crosse-bowes and Long-bowes. I doo (in mine opinion) greatly prefer those two ancient weapons on horseback before the