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Faults escaped in the Printing (the Author being absent) are thus to be amended.
- Fol 3. pag. 1. lin. 35. retained, for, attained.
- Fol. 6. pag. 2. lin. 3. Commendator major, for, Comendador mayor.
- Fol. 6. pag. 2. lin. 14. blame of writing, for, blame to writing.
- Fol. 6. pag. 2. lin 16. therefore will proceed, for, therefore I will proceed.
- Fol. 10. pag. 1. lin 17. the counterscarfe cutt, and opened the flankers, for, the counterscarfe cut and opened, the flankers.
- Fol. 10. pag. 2. lin. 34. scaritie, for, scarcitie.
- Fol. 2. pag. 1. lin. 18. Armies and Campes, formed either of, for, Armies and Campes formed, either of.
- Fol. 4. pag. 1. lin. 5. Besies, for, beesides.
- Fol. 4. pag. 1. lin. 7. preace, for, presse.
- Fol. 10. pag 2. lin. 13. Sardenna, for, Sarden̄a.
- Fol. 14. pag. 1. lin. 1. Marinnan, for, Marin̄an.
- Fol. 17. pag. 2. lin. 5. kneeling vpon their knees, for, kneeling vpon their right knees.
- Fol. 20. pag. 2. lin. 10. as, for, is.
- Fol. 24. pag. 1 lin. 12. being imployed, for, are to be imployed.
- Fol. 25 pag. 2. lin. 28. & 31. Achs, for, aches.
- Fol 34. pag. 1. lin. 8. Sir William Olde, for, Sir William Odle.
- Fol. 34. pag. 2. lin 3. forcing, for, farcing.
- Fol. 38. pag. 1. in margine. Harquebuziers, for, Harquebuzes.
- Fol. 41. pag. 1. lin. 24. Gabo Saballa, for, Gabo Sabada.
- Fol. 43. pag. 2. lin. 14. killed forraine Archers, for, killed with forraine Archers.
Whereas the leaues of the Proëme are not numbred with fo∣lios; pleaseth it the reader to count the leaues from the be∣ginning thereof, to the place agreeable to the number of the Errata.