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SIR IOHN SMYTHE his Proëme Dedicatorie, to the Nobilitie of the Realme of England.
RIght Honorable and most noble Lordes:
Euen as the wisedome and humi∣litie of the notable men of later ages, haue giuen greater honor to the ex∣cellencie of men in all Artes and Sciences of former ages and greater antiquitie, than to themselues; not onlie acknowledging them∣selues to be inferiours vnto them, but also, that the greatest skil and knowledge which they haue attained vnto, hath (in the greatest part) proceeded from such notable men, either by hea∣ring and obseruing their opinions, or by reading of their works, or els by reading of others that haue written of the iudgements and actions of such excellent men: Euen so, the vanitie and ouerweening of yong men, and chieflie of our Nation in this our time (I meane within these twentie yeares) haue so excee∣ded and superabounded, that they haue not been ashamed, not onlie to attribute vnto themselues greater wisedome and suffi∣ciencie in all Arts and Sciences, and speciallie in the Arte Militarie, than to the notable men and great Captaines of for∣mer ages and greater antiquitie, but also to dishable them in respect of themselues and their sufficiencie, and all others also yet liuing, that are men of greater yeares and antiquitie, than they are, both of our owne Nation, as also forraine, that haue