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Title:  Certain discourses, vvritten by Sir Iohn Smythe, Knight: concerning the formes and effects of diuers sorts of weapons, and other verie important matters militarie, greatlie mistaken by diuers of our men of warre in these daies; and chiefly, of the mosquet, the caliuer and the long-bow; as also, of the great sufficiencie, excellencie, and wonderful effects of archers: with many notable examples and other particularities, by him presented to the nobilitie of this realme, & published for the benefite of this his natiue countrie of England
Author: Smythe, John, Sir, ca. 1534-1607.
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easie and well fitted to their bodies, their sleeues chai∣ned with maile, with broad short swordes and short daggers, their Bowes of good Yeugh, long and well nocked and backed, and all their strings well whipt, with sheafes of foure and twentie arrowes apeece, with shooting gloues and bracers after the manner of our Archers in times past. And all these both Ar∣chers and Crosse-bowers I woulde haue them to be well practised, that they might knowe how to dis∣charge their arrowes and quarrells gallopping vpon the hand, and in all other motions of their horses, and the Crosse-bowers to bend againe with great readi∣nes. And diuers bandes beeing thus horsed, armed, weaponed and exercised, as also reduced into little bandes of fifties vnder sufficient conductours, and o∣ther Officers skilfull in those weapons, should (in mine opinion) be able to performe greater seruices in the field either against horsemen or footmen,Crosse-bow∣ers & Archers on horsebacke of greater ser∣uice than wea∣pons of fire on horsebacke. than a∣ny of the forenamed weapons of fire on horsebacke, considering that both Archers and Crosse-bowers may with their arrowes and quarrells very certainly wound or kill in their points & blancks either hors∣men or footmen that are in esquadron or troupe, two or three scores off; and rouing sixe, seauen, or eight scores, may greatly mischiefe and annoy the enemie: whereas the Argolettiers and Pistolettiers are not to worke any effect against esquadrons, or troupes of horsemen or footmen aboue ten or fifteene yards off at the furthest, and if it be enemie to enemie single, then they are not to discharge their peeces aboue three or foure yards off, vnlesse they will faile foure times before they hit once, so vncertaine are those 0