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Title:  Certain discourses, vvritten by Sir Iohn Smythe, Knight: concerning the formes and effects of diuers sorts of weapons, and other verie important matters militarie, greatlie mistaken by diuers of our men of warre in these daies; and chiefly, of the mosquet, the caliuer and the long-bow; as also, of the great sufficiencie, excellencie, and wonderful effects of archers: with many notable examples and other particularities, by him presented to the nobilitie of this realme, & published for the benefite of this his natiue countrie of England
Author: Smythe, John, Sir, ca. 1534-1607.
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Esquires; besides that, there were taken prisoners, the Dukes of Orleans & Bourbon, with many other Earles, Barons and Knightes.The battaile of Herrings also (so called by the Frēch Chronicles) fought in king Henry the sixts time neare vnto a village in France called Rouuray,The meruai∣lous effect of Archers at the battaile of Herringes. not far frō Or∣leans, doth euidently shew the great excellencie of Ar∣cherie against all other sorts of weapōs; in which bat∣tel Syr Iohn Fastolf, with other braue English Captains by the grace of God and terrible shot of the Archers, ouerthrewe the bastard of Orleans, the Lord high Cō∣stable of Scotland, the Count of Clermount, with manie other Captaines of great accoumpt and their whole Armie of Frenchmen & Scots, in the which there were a great number of French Harquebuziers and Crosse∣bowers, which against the Archers wrought no effect.I might also alledge for the excellencie of Archers the most wonderfull victorie wonne by king Richard the first in the holy land, manie yeares before anie of these battailes before mentioned; where, being Gene∣rall of the Christian Armie, by the grace of God, and wonderfull effect of his English Archers, he in a most famous battaile ouerthrewe that braue Saladin, Souldan of Egipt, with his notable milicia of Mamelucks (by ma∣ny called Sarasins) and all the rest of his Armie, which did consist of an innumerable number of horsemen & footmen Turks & Arabians. But for breuities sake, I will omit the particularities of that most famous battaile, and of many other great victories that I could alledge for proofe of the incredible effectes of our En∣glish Archers in battailes: And will now come to an∣swere 0