The arte of gunnerie. Wherein is set foorth a number of seruiceable secrets, and practical conclusions, belonging to the art of gunnerie, by arithmeticke skill to be accomplished: both pretie, pleasant, and profitable for all such as are professors of the same facultie.
Smith, Thomas, fl. 1600-1627.


To do this or the like, there is a generall rule, that looke how oftentimes the length of the cilinder or con∣caue of the peece is to the marke, which is easily done by deuiding the distance to the marke, by the length of the concaue of the said peece. And knowing likewise how much the one side of the peece is thicker then the other, the one halfe of that ouerplus being multiplied by the quotient first found, the product will shew you how Page  61 much the peece shooteth wide of the marke. And this is a generall rule: that looke which side of the peece is thickest of mettall, towards that side shall the bullet fall, for that the thinner side is more smart, and the thicke side more dull in heating.