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Title:  The famous game of chesse-play truely discouered, and all doubts resolued; so that by reading this small booke thou shalt profit more then by the playing a thousand mates. An exercise full of delight; fit for princes, or any person of what qualitie soeuer. Newly published by A.S. Gent.
Author: Saul, Arthur.
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the white King so much as hee can, by changing with him man for man, till he be assured his aduantage shall profit him, for we see if two Kings armies meete and fight, the one hauing gotten the better of the other, hee forth-with vseth the sword till hee maketh him that hath the worst yeeld the glory of the field vnto him: I remember that a Noble-man vpon a time said, too much mercy was rigor, wherefore he that hath the better of his enemy let him make vse of it, hee ought not to be blamed, but that King is worthy of much blame, who after hee hath the better of his enemie, doth not∣withstanding loose the same againe, by forbearing his sword, when with praise and honour he might bouldly vse it, and for reward be crowned King of the field.0