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Title:  A relation of the state of religion and with what hopes and pollicies it hath beene framed, and is maintained in the severall states of these westerne parts of the world.
Author: Sandys, Edwin, Sir, 1561-1629.
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conceits, who thinke Honestie the best policie, and Truth the onely durable armor of proofe, and may find by their refined observations of experience, that newes make their impression vpon their first reporting, that then if they be good, they greatly raise vp the spirit, and confirme the minde, especially of the vulgar sort, who easily beleeve all that their betters tell them: and afterwards when they hap to be controlled, mens spirits being cold, or not so sensible as before, they either litle regard it, or impute it to common errors & vncertainty of things, yea and that the good newes commeth to many mens eares, who never heard of the checke it hath, and at leastwise it may serve their turne for some present exploit, as Marchants do with their newes, (whether imitators or imitated of these men, I know not) who finding some difficultie in accommoda∣ting their affaires, have in vse to forge letters, or otherwise raise bruits, eyther of some good successe in their Princes actions, (as our men they say at Constantinople) or of some great alterations in some kind of marchandise, (as certaine not long since have done at Paris) which may serve for that present instant to expediate their businesse; yet surely me-thinks these learned fathers should consider that though lying bee helde for a necessary fault in Mar∣chants, (if any fault be necessary, which for my part I hold not) yet it cannot be admitted for an allowable pollicy in Divines, being the of-spring of that arch-enemy, both of the Dietie and Divinitie: and if a dead flie doe viciate a whole boxe of sweet oyntment, so a little folly may ble∣mish greatly a very wise man, and some falshood discredit the delivery of much truth. Then verily I crave leave at their hands, of advancing them in the rest of their super∣suttle inventions, I arrange this amongst the poore polli∣cies of the hospitall of the desperate.Now these being weapons wherewith they fight a∣gainst their adversary, they whet thē, by framing an vtter breach or separation in all religious duties betweene their 0