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Title:  A relation of the state of religion and with what hopes and pollicies it hath beene framed, and is maintained in the severall states of these westerne parts of the world.
Author: Sandys, Edwin, Sir, 1561-1629.
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of Veritie, or vnitie of Charitie, or vnitie of perswasi∣on, or vnitie of authoritie, or vnitie of Necessitie, thereA proiect of vnion. beeing so many other kinds and causes of concord: A kind of men there are whom a man shall meet with in all coun∣tries, not many in number, but sundry of them of sin∣gular learning and pietie, whose godly longings to see Christendome re-vnited in the love of the Authour of the name above all things, and annexed in brotherly corre∣spondencie and amitie, as beseemeth those, who vnder the chiefe service of one Lord, in the possession of one ground and foundation of faith, doe expect the same finall re∣ward of glorie (which proceeding from the Father and Prince of Peace, reiecteth all spirits of contention, from taining it) hath entred into a meditation, whether it were not possible, that by the travel and meditation of some cal∣mer mindes that at this day vsually write, or deale on ey∣ther side, these flames of controuersie might be extinguish∣ed or asaked, and some tollerable peace re-established in the Church againe. The iustnes of their vertuous desires to see it so, hath bred in them an opinion of possibilitie that it might be wrought, considering first, that besides infi∣nite other points not controuersed, there is a full agree∣ment in the foundation of religion, in those same Articles which the twelve Apostles delivered vnto the Church; perhappes not an abridgement onely of the faith, but even as a touch-stone also of the faithfull for ever: that whilst there was an entire consent in them, no discent in other opinions shoulde breake peace and communion. And secondly, considering also there are in great multitude on both sides, (for so are there vndoubtedly) men er∣tuous and learned, fraught with the love of God and the truth, above all things, men of memorable integrity of heart and affections, whose lives are not deere vnto them, much lesse their labors to be spent for the good of Gods Church and people, by whose ioint indevours, and single and sincere dealings in common conference for the search 0