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Title:  A relation of the state of religion and with what hopes and pollicies it hath beene framed, and is maintained in the severall states of these westerne parts of the world.
Author: Sandys, Edwin, Sir, 1561-1629.
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Father preach at large the holy history of the divine par∣don of Sisa ab omni culpi & poena, granted by Christ in per∣son at our Ladies suit, vnto Saint Francis, extending to all such, as having confessed and communicated, should pray in Saint Francis Church there, yet sending him to his Vi∣car, Pope Honorius that then was to passe it, with many o∣ther apparitions and delectable strang accidents of great content to pleasant minded hearers, which pardon is since enlarged by Sixtus the fourth, and fifth (which both were Franciscans) to all lay brethren and sisters that did weare Saint Francis Cordon, in what place soever. Gregory the thirteenth hath granted to the Carmine at Syenna, for eve∣rie Masse said there at the Altar of the Crucifixe, the deli∣verie of a soule out of Purgatorie, to the Carmine at Pa∣dua more liberally, for to everie one that shall say seven Aves, and seven Pater nosters, before one of their Altars on the Wednesday in Easter weeke, or kisse the ground before the Altar of the blessed Sacrament with the vsuall prayers for the exaltation of the Church, extirpation of he∣resie, and vnitie of Christian Princes, plenary Indulgence for himselfe, and the delivery of what soule out of Purga∣tory he pleaseth. To the fraternitie of the Altar of the Conception of our Ladie in Duamo, or the Cathedrall Church in Padua, confessing and communicating at their entrie into that societie, full remission of their sinnes at the houre of their death▪ naming but Iesus with their mouth, or if they can not, with their heart: the like is ordinarily graunted to all other Fraternities. To everie Priest as of∣ten as he shall say five printed lines, importing that he wil offer vp the precious bodie of our Saviour, so many fiftie yeares pardon. By this Pope, this one amongst many o∣thers innumerable to the Friers, & lay Fraternities of both sexes of the Carmine in Syenna for everie time that they are present at their solemn Processions, plenary Indulgen∣gences for all their sinnes past, and 40 yeares, & 7 daies o∣ver, to some for to come, & this for ever, with extēt of like 0