The workes of Caius Crispus Salustius contayning the Conspiracie of Cateline The Warre of Iugurth. V. bookes of historicall fragments. II orations to Cæsar for the institution of a co[m]monwealth and one against Cicero.
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The workes of Caius Crispus Salustius contayning the Conspiracie of Cateline The Warre of Iugurth. V. bookes of historicall fragments. II orations to Cæsar for the institution of a co[m]monwealth and one against Cicero.
Sallust, 86-34 B.C.
[London :: Printed by Elizabeth Allde,] Are to be sould at the Eagle and Child in Brittaines Burse by Tho: Walkley,
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"The workes of Caius Crispus Salustius contayning the Conspiracie of Cateline The Warre of Iugurth. V. bookes of historicall fragments. II orations to Cæsar for the institution of a co[m]monwealth and one against Cicero." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.
CHAP. 18.
The Senate resoluing to fol∣low
Catoes counsell,
commandes execution to
be done vpon the Trai∣tours.
AFter the Senate (as
I haue said) con∣descended
to Catoes opi∣nion,
the Consull thin∣king
it the best expedient,
to anticipate the next
night; lest any thing
might be innouated in the
meane time, hee com∣mands
the Triumuirs to
descriptionPage 184
prepare prouisions need∣full
for the execution: he
himselfe, the Guardes be∣ing
disposed, conducts
Lentulus vnto the prison,
the like is done to the rest
by the Praetours. There is
a place in the prison cal∣led
Tullianum, as soone
as you are ascended a lit∣tle
towards the left hand,
it stands about twelue
foot deep in the ground,
the walls fortifie it round
about, and aboue, a vault
bound together with
stone Arches: but the as∣pect
of it is filthy & feare∣full
through darkenesse,
stench and neglect of
cleansing. Lentulus being
brought thither, the Exe∣cutioners
for capitall
descriptionPage 185
crimes, to whom this was
inioyned, strangled him
with a halter. Thus this
man being a Patrician, of
the most Noble Corn••lian
Family, hauing born Con∣sular
command in Rome,
found out a death worthy
of his conditions and a∣ctions:
the like punish∣ment
was taken vpon Ce∣thegus,
Statilius, Gabinius,
and Ceparius.
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