The discouerie of the knights of the poste: or The knightes of the post, or co[m]mon common [sic] baylers newly discried Wherein is shewed and plainely laide open, many lewde actions, and subtill deuises, which are daily practised by them: to the great abuse of most honorable councelers, learned iudges, and other graue maiestrates: and also to the defrauding and vtter vndoing of a great number of her Maiesties good and loyall subiects. By E.S.

The discouerie of the knights of the poste: or The knightes of the post, or co[m]mon common [sic] baylers newly discried Wherein is shewed and plainely laide open, many lewde actions, and subtill deuises, which are daily practised by them: to the great abuse of most honorable councelers, learned iudges, and other graue maiestrates: and also to the defrauding and vtter vndoing of a great number of her Maiesties good and loyall subiects. By E.S.
E. S., fl. 1597.
At London :: Printed by G. S[haw] and are to be solde [by R. Walker] neere the Golden Lyon in the olde Bayly,

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Crime -- England -- Early works to 1800.
Criminals -- England -- Early works to 1800.
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"The discouerie of the knights of the poste: or The knightes of the post, or co[m]mon common [sic] baylers newly discried Wherein is shewed and plainely laide open, many lewde actions, and subtill deuises, which are daily practised by them: to the great abuse of most honorable councelers, learned iudges, and other graue maiestrates: and also to the defrauding and vtter vndoing of a great number of her Maiesties good and loyall subiects. By E.S." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 6, 2024.


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