A philosophicall discourse, entituled, The anatomie of the minde. Nevvlie made and set forth by T.R.
- Title
- A philosophicall discourse, entituled, The anatomie of the minde. Nevvlie made and set forth by T.R.
- Author
- Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616.
- Publication
- Imprinted at London :: By I[ohn] C[harlewood] for Andrew Maunsell, dvvelling in Paules Church yarde, at the signe of the Parret,
- 1576.
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- Subject terms
- Ethics.
- Conduct of life -- Early works to 1900.
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"A philosophicall discourse, entituled, The anatomie of the minde. Nevvlie made and set forth by T.R." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A10969.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.
- title page
- ¶ To the right worship∣full Master Christopher Hatton Esquier capitane of the Queens Maiesties Guard, and one of the Gentlemen of her Priueie Chamber, Thomas Rogers vvisheth the true felicitie of this life, and in heauen fellowshippe amonge the Saintes of God.
- ❧Iosua Hutten to the Booke.
- Iustiniani Baldwini, carmen ad Lectorem.
- ¶Abraham Fowlers needeles Haedera.
- ¶Epigramma Guil. Camd. in Anatomiam a Tho. Ro∣gerio, elaboratam.
- ❧The Preface to the friendly Reader.
❧Of the Perturbations in generall.
Chap. 1. - ¶VVhat are Pertur∣bations. Chap. 2.
- ¶Of Pleasure, and her partes. Chap. 3.
¶Of Ilwyll.
Chap. 4. - ¶Of Delectation. Chap. 5.
- ¶Of Oblectation. Cap. 6.
Chap. 7. - ¶Of Boasting. Chap. 8.
- ¶Of Prodigalitie. Chap. 9.
- ¶Of Ambition. Chap. 10.
¶Of Lust.
Chap. 11. - ¶Of Needynes. Chap. 12.
- ¶Of Anger, VVrath, Palenes, Hatred, and Discorde. Cap. 13.
¶Of Loue.
Chap. 14. - ¶Of Desire, and Longing. Chap. 15.
- ¶Of Feare and Sorrowe, two Pertur∣bations, which trouble our mindes, through an opinion of euyll towardes vs. Chap. 16.
¶Of Slothfulnesse.
Chap. 17. - ¶Of Bashfulnesse. Chap. 18.
- ¶Of Terror. Chap. 19.
- ¶Of Dreade. Chap. 20.
- ¶Of Trembling. Chap. 21.
- ¶Of Conturbation. Chap. 22.
- ¶Of Fearefulnesse. Chap. 23.
- ¶Of Sorrowe, the last of all Perturbations. Chap. 24.
- ¶Of Pittie, or Compassion. Chap. 25.
- ¶Of Enuie. Chap. 26.
- ¶Of Emulation. Chap. 27.
- ¶Of Obtrectation. Chap. 28.
¶Of Freating.
Chap. 29. - ¶Of Sadnesse. Chap. 30.
¶Of Pensiuenesse.
Chap. 31. - ¶Of Mourning. Chap. 32.
- ¶Of Troublesomnesse. Chap. 33.
- ¶Of Lamentation. Chap. 34.
- ¶Of Carefulnesse. Chap. 35.
- ¶Of Molestation and Afflictation. Chap. 36.
- ¶Of Desperation. Chap. 37.
❧Of Morall ver∣tues. Lib. 2.
- ¶Of the chiefest felicitie. Chap. 1.
- ¶Of the goodes of Fortune. Chap. 2.
- ¶Of the goodes of Nature. Chap. 3.
¶Of the Goods of the minde.
Chap. 4 - ¶ Of Contemplation. Chap. 5
¶Of Ciuile or actiue felicitie.
Cha. 6. -
¶The definitions of Vertue, and her partes.
Chap. 7. - ¶Of Prudence, and her partes. Cha. 8.
¶Of Reason.
Chap. 9. - ¶Of Vnderstanding. Chap. 10.
- ¶Of Circumspection. Cha. 11.
- ¶Of Prouidence. Chap. 12.
- ¶Of Docilitie. Cha. 29.
¶Of Heed
. Chap. 14. -
¶Of VVarynesse.
Chap. 15. - ¶Of VVylynesse, Craftynesse, and Subtiltie. Chap. 16.
- ¶Of Equitie and Righteousnesse. Chap. 17.
- ¶Of Temperance, and her partes. Chap. 18.
- ¶Of Modestie. Chap. 19.
¶Of Shamefastnesse.
Chap. 20. - ¶Of Abstinencie, and Continencie. Cha. 21.
- ¶Of Chastetie. Chap. 22.
- ¶Of Honestie. Cha. 23.
- ¶Of Moderation. Cap. 24.
- Of Sparingnes or Hardnes. Cap. 25.
- ¶Of Sobrietie. Cap. 26.
- ¶Of Fortitude and her partes. Cap. 27.
- ¶Of Magnanimitie. Cap. 28.
- ¶Of Trust or Hope. Cap. 29.
- ¶Of Securitie. Cap. 30.
- ¶Of Magnificence. Cap. 31.
- ¶Of Constancie. Cap. 32.
- ¶Of Suffering. Cap. 33.
- Of Patience. Cap. 34.
- Of Stabilitie. Cap. 35.
- Of Iustice. Cap. 36.
- ¶Of Innocencie. Cap. 37.
- ¶ Of Freendship. Cap. 38.
- Of Naturall freendship. Cap. 39.
- ¶Of Ciuil freendship. Cap. 40.
- ¶Of Hospitalitie. Cap. 41.
- ¶ Of Concorde Cap. 42.
- ¶Of Godlines. Cap. 43
- ¶Of Humanitie. Cap. 44.
- Of Gratefulnes. Cap. 45.
- Of Gentlenes. Cap. 46.
- ¶Of Faithfulnes. Cap. 47.
- subject index
- ❧A viewe of examples before mentioned.
- ¶These and such like fault as not willinglie committe. we praye thee (good Reader) friendly to correct.