The doctrine of faith wherein are practically handled ten principall points, which explain the nature and vse of it / by Iohn Rogers ...
- Title
- The doctrine of faith wherein are practically handled ten principall points, which explain the nature and vse of it / by Iohn Rogers ...
- Author
- Rogers, John, 1572?-1636.
- Publication
- London :: Printed for N.N. and William Sheffard, and are to be sold at his shop at the entring into Po[p]es-head-Alley out of Lumbar-street,
- 1627.
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- Subject terms
- Faith -- Early works to 1800.
- Puritans -- Doctrines.
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"The doctrine of faith wherein are practically handled ten principall points, which explain the nature and vse of it / by Iohn Rogers ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 14, 2024.
- title page
- To the Right Worship∣full Mistresse HELEN BACON of Shribland-hall, to the Lady MILDMAY, wife to Sir HENRY MILDMAY of Graces, and to Mistris GVR∣DON, wife to Master BRAMP∣TON GVRDON of Assington: the Author prayeth all increase of Faith, many good dayes here, and eternall life in the king∣dome of heaven.
- To the Reader.
- doctrine