The doctrine of faith wherein are practically handled ten principall points, which explain the nature and vse of it
Rogers, John, 1572?-1636.
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To the Reader.

CHristian Reader, these things that thou findest in this little Trea∣tise of Faith, were the summe of sundry Sermons preacht in my or∣dinary weeke-day Lecture, seven or eight yeeres agoe, which I wrote brokenly and briefly for my owne memory, leaving out many things that in the Vses & Applications of the points were delivered in prea∣ching, which should set an edge upon the doctrines delivered. I was reque∣sted by some of the Auditors, when Page  [unnumbered] I had finisht them in preaching, that they might have them still at hand for helpe of their memories, and furthering of their profiting there∣by: But I thought it a good mercy of God to me, that I might doe his Church some little service by prea∣ching (wherein it hath pleased his Majestie to give me some successe and blessing, which is all I have to rejoyce of in this world) and as for printing, the knowledge of my owne unfitnesse, and my want of leisure made mee to refuse that motion, and never to give my minde to that worke. But now of late a speciall godly friend by much importunity drew my Notes from me, and hath gotten them written out (which I never could or would doe) whose Copie when I had per∣used, I found things so shortly and imperfectly set downe, as I much desired it might have beene sup∣pressed still, but his strong perswa∣sions that it might bee of good use to the poore people of God, in time Page  [unnumbered] overcame mee: though thou shalt finde it farre otherwise than I would have had it if I had had lei∣sure to have revised it, or then if I ad yeelded to the first motion it ight have beene, for then when things were fresh in minde, I could with little more paines have set them downe more fully and perfect∣ly than now I can, or could if I had eysure by many degrees; neither could I possibly in cold blood, and so long after, call to minde or write those stirring passages that God brings to hand in the heate of prea∣ching. Well, craving pardon for all defects, I commit it to thy hand as it is, humbly begging the Lords blessing and good hand to goe with∣all. If any by the Excellency, Ne∣cessity and Rarenesse of this grace of Faith shall bee provoked to la∣bour to be possessed of it, that are as yet without it, and those that have it to nourish it, that it may encrease to the best degrees, and to live by it to the glory of God, their Page  [unnumbered] encrease of comfort here, and sal∣vation hereafter; I shall have at∣tained my end, be heartily glad, and give God thankes. If any reape a∣ny fruit hereby (as if they read it advisedly, teachably, and with see∣king God, I hope they shall) give God the praise, and pray for the Author, and for this crazed and last part of his life.

But let me advertise thee of one thing, good Christian Reader, that howsoever thou shalt often finde in this Treatise, Faith spoken of 〈◊〉 of a particular perswasion of a mans heart, that Christ Iesus is his, and that hee shall be saved by him, that yet it is not meant, that that is the first act of Faith, which is rather an accepting of Christ, a leaning upon him, and a laying hold on him offered by God; And then after by a second act of Faith by finding a true and unfamed change of heart and life wrought in him, hee is then and thereby perswaded that hee is one of those that Christ Page  [unnumbered] dyed for. Therefore this I take to bee a good description of Faith; That it is the mighty worke of the holy Ghost, whereby a sinner hum∣bled by the Law, and quite driven out of himselfe, by or upon the gra∣cious and sweet voyce of the Gos∣pell, and the free and unpartiall offer of mercy from God in Christ, comes in time to cast himselfe upon Christ, and trust to him as the All∣sufficient and only •••anes of his salvation, and 〈◊〉 willing to be subject to 〈◊〉 his dayes. And to say that Faith is a parti∣cular Application of Christ to a mans owne soule, is a true and safe definition thereof: for there be that doe truly beleeve in Christ, and that to salvation, if they should then dye, that yet are not come to bee perswaded that Christ is theirs; which comes after, either by the te∣stimony of Gods Spirit, or the wit∣nesse of their owne spirit, from the truth of their Sanctification.

Having advertised thee of this, Page  [unnumbered] I commend thee to God, and to the word of his grace which is able to build thee up further, and give the inheritance with them that be san∣ctified by Faith in Christ Iesus.

The weakest and most un∣worthy of the true ser∣vants of Iesus Christ, I. R.