An answere vnto a wicked & infamous libel made by Christopher Vitel, one of the chiefe English elders of the pretended Family of Loue maintaining their doctrine, & carpingly answeringe to certaine pointes of a boke called the displaing of the Fam. Aunswered by I. Rogers.
Rogers, John, fl. 1560-1580., Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579.


[ 16] I Sayd in the displeing of the Fa∣mily, that one Adrian Gisling had read in a book called the glasse of righ∣teousnes Page  [unnumbered] of 〈◊〉. Castells, vnder the same mens names mencioned, nowe this man is sure HN. neuer writ any such booke, and therefore must needes be a lye. I am credibly informed that HN. hath written 27 smale treatises and pistles, and this man hath seene all as hee sayth, but let the thing be true or false, the matter is not great: the party that told me is liuing and of honest credite and may as well be be¦leued as you: I pray you are there no bookes called the glasse of righteous∣nes, for he compiled ii. of that title, I neuer saw any of those bookes in deed but if there be no such then HN. hath mocked the Family, for he still in his bookes referreth hys reader vnto the same booke called the glasse of righte∣ousnes. And in deede I doubt that book doth vtter more of your Aucthors se∣cret doctrine, then his smale pāphlets: Fewe or none in the Familye haue it that I coulde euer learne, if you haue seene all the Authors works then you haue also seene that, and you keepe it Page  [unnumbered] secret least your Family should not or could not well brooke the doctrine con∣teined in the same. Let the booke be seene and keepe it not hidden, it stan∣deth you vpon nowe to let the worlde tast the doctrine which you haue affir∣med Princes & kingomes afore this tyme should haue imbraced.