An answere vnto a wicked & infamous libel made by Christopher Vitel, one of the chiefe English elders of the pretended Family of Loue maintaining their doctrine, & carpingly answeringe to certaine pointes of a boke called the displaing of the Fam. Aunswered by I. Rogers.
Rogers, John, fl. 1560-1580., Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579.


WHen you had séene dissen∣tion, vprores, contentiō &c. in the world, then the Lord (you say) moued you to minister the seruice of loue vnto others, you toke the afore∣sayd robles as a fit occasion geuē you to begin your doctrine, surely you be∣way your selfe in your speach: You thought it was good fishing when the waters were troubled, and tooke occa∣sion to teach false doctrine when you saw great broiles, and tumults in the world. But where you affirme that the Lord moued you to do this▪ wher∣by shall we know that this your bare Page  [unnumbered] affirmation is true, onely because you say so, but the holy Ghost hath warned vs not to geue credit to such. Ier. 14. ver. 14. sayth, The Prophetes prophesie les in my name, I haue not sent them, ne∣ther did I commaund them, nether did I speake to them, but they prophesie to you a fale vision, diuination, vanity, and de∣eitflnes of their own harts. Also Eze. 13. ver. 3. Wo be to the foolish Prophets that follow their own spirit & haue seene nothing. We may not beleue euery spirit, but try the spirit whether he be of God Iohn. 4.1.

The Lord moued you not to leue your arte & calling, and to minister a strange doctrine to the people: but the spirit of pride and vaynglory, and a de∣sire of singularity put vp your mind. Like as in time past you did as eager∣ly maintayn other strange, & monste∣rous opinions.

The causes that moued you to spred your doctrine, are not sufficient, you haue thrust in your selfe into a functi∣on and calling, nether allowed of god, Page  [unnumbered] nor ordayned by mn, and thi your ministery is disobedience to God and the publick magistrate, neither hue you herein fought the honor of God▪ & saluation of al people, as you afirm. If you had sought God his honor your voice should publickly haue been heard and not in corners.

In that you haue met with certayn good willing ones, which haue submit∣ted themselues &c. therin we beshrew you, & lament that any simple soules are deceiued by your perswasions, and in deede it seemeth some such there are that geue eare to your sugred wordes, For, the poyson of aspes is vnder youre tongue. Psal. 14.

Why come you not orth to mayn∣tayn such doctrine as you haue taught? why proue you not your doctrin by the holy Scripture? Why suffer you your schollers to be troubled and impryso∣ned? but for your selfe you are sae i∣nough, and when they should render a reason of their hope and faith, then they vtterly deny your doctrine. It Page  [unnumbered] séemeth that such a principle you haue taught thē, to affirme and to deny, only keeping their conscience secret.

Now where you say that your good willing ones, or schollers, their light hath shone before men, wherby you would heare vs in hand, that your pu∣pil be men of excellent life, & as you set them out, so do they your life as ap∣peares by their letters: so one of you commēdeth and prayseth another, an so must you éedes do, when you want good neighbor, y best way i to praise your selues.