An answere vnto a wicked & infamous libel made by Christopher Vitel, one of the chiefe English elders of the pretended Family of Loue maintaining their doctrine, & carpingly answeringe to certaine pointes of a boke called the displaing of the Fam. Aunswered by I. Rogers.
Rogers, John, fl. 1560-1580., Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579.


NOw you affirme that there is made manifest to you the com∣ming agayne of Christ with his sayntes. &c. but because you ad not in the resurrection, wée are doubtfull what you meane by the comming a∣gayne of Christ, least you vnderstand it a comming in this lyfe: Because you adde that there shall be accom∣plished, whatsoeuer hath bene spoken by the Prophets from the beginning.

f you had ben a true Christian, you needed not HN. to manifest these thinges, they are sufficiently opened to vs in the holy historye, & by his be∣loued Apostle Paule: yf you had stay∣ed your selfe with their manifestatiō, you should not haue looked for your HN. to make knowen the same: but it is to be doubted by your speach, that you meane some other comming of Page  [unnumbered] Christ in this lyfe, and not when he shall come, at the general day of Christ his second comming, when he shall come with glory, maiesty, and powre to iudge the world with righteousnes. You affirme that then he shall accom∣plish whatsoeuer he spake by the Pro∣phets from the beginning. The Pro∣phets spake as they were commaun∣ded, to kingdomes, and Cityes, certe∣fying of the destruction determined, and the captiuities whereunto the peo∣ple should be ledde: many of their Prophesyes confirmed the comming of Christ &c. which are alredy come to passe. Your meaning I doubt of, but I will not take you so short, nor hunt for any aduauntage of wordes: but I tell you playne, your speach is very doubtull.