An answere vnto a wicked & infamous libel made by Christopher Vitel, one of the chiefe English elders of the pretended Family of Loue maintaining their doctrine, & carpingly answeringe to certaine pointes of a boke called the displaing of the Fam. Aunswered by I. Rogers.
Rogers, John, fl. 1560-1580., Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579.
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To the Christian Reader.

CHristian Reader, thou hast to peruse at thy pleasure, this finale treatise, contayning an aunswere vnto Christopher Vitell, the chiefe lder of the pretended amlye of Loue: and because it was directed to me, and aunsereth certaine poyntes of my former boke called, the displeying of the amily. Therefore it is very meete and conuenient, that since the matter toucheth me neerely: and hargth me with much vntruth: that I defend the cause, I first toke in hand: which I am verely prswa∣ded, is an honest, iust, and godly defene of th puritye of doctrine, now taught, and pb∣lickl preached: which this amilye spune e∣gerly against. And although 2. vigilant Pastors, haue leanedly confuted the dotine of their Author HN. Yet this little availeth to recall them home, to that found profession, that some of the once asted: and least they should bost, or vaunt, that they haue written, or com∣piled anthing, which should not be aunswe∣red, I hue thought good once agayne, to bend my simple study, to nswere this libeller Chri∣stopher Vitell: whole crdit amongst the a∣milye is not small. Mauel not gntle reader, that I being the simplest of many thousandes, haue auentued to meddl in these disputa∣ble questions: more itter for men of learning, and knowledge (I graunt, but since they haue made their inuectiues agaynst me, it behoueth Page  [unnumbered] me simply to aunswere: wherin I confesse ma∣ny things are omitted, which mght well hue bin spoken of: and many thinges are briefely touched, which should haue bin dilated, if leasure had serued me: but since I cannot de thinges as I would, thou hast my goodwill, as I could. Yf thou wouldest profie, by reading these conferences, it is expedient that thou peruse a little boke, called he displeing of the Familye, the publishing of which boke, was the cause, that this man being touched therein neerely: hath made this Lbell for aunswere thereunto: excusing himselfe of many crimes, and as much as in him lyeth, keeping vp the credit of their Aucthor HN. whoe the ami∣lye would not, that he should be touched, or blemished: (no not with a venew:) but he that listeth to marke how his chiefest schollr, or oldest nglih Elder, Christopher Vtel, doth with might, and maine, culle, and hide all the faultes of HN. as well his octrine, and foule errors: as his corrupt lyfe, and conuesation: and how confidently and with a basen face, he auoucheth, that all is false, and lyes, what∣soeuer is brought forth neuer so probably: (ye) with many witnesses: thou shalt or it be long, haue a testimoniall out of launders of HN his whole lyfe: which if the Family here in ngland, would be esolud with ••ueth: shal∣be vpon any o••asion published in print: it no∣thing blmisheth our ause although this rude and vnlarned Aunswere be made vnto this Page  [unnumbered] slaunderous Libell: but our God therein is greatly magnified: that simple men are sufici∣ently assisted with God his spiite to confute and ouerthrow this blasphemous doctrine of the Familye: so gosse, and absurd it is, agaynst all the holy scripture, and agaynst common reason. And as nothing is more in vaiance be∣tweene vs, then how man is restored vnto that lisle, lost in Adam: and his state, (being regeneate.) I haue simply set downe my poore sill: & such experience of a regenerat man, as I finde in holy writ: & feele in my own consci∣ence. And also I haue collected, the condition of a regenerat peson, by the doctine of HN. as neee as I could collect by such bokes of theirs as came to my handes: (wherein) if the Familye imagine, that I haue not rightly set foth a egeneat man after their doctrine: let some of their illuminat Elders, (if they please:) set vpright such a one, as they will stand vnto.

So shall the controuersy betwene them, and vs, soner come to end, and tryall: which if they refuse to doe: then it will appeare, that it is not trueth they seeke, (but) singularitye. For al∣though in other matters there be difference, & opinions: yet in mas election, saluation, re∣demption, and regeneation: being the pillers, and foundations of our fayth: whosoeuer er∣reth herein, cannot be saued. I am also Chri∣stian reader, to desire thee to amend, and cor∣rect with thy pen: certaine faultes, escaped in this treaise by the Printer, and to amend the Page  [unnumbered] sence, of some sentences, being not rightly poynted, which I refer vnto thy learned Iudge∣ment. The Lord our God blesse thee, and graūt vs his holy spirite, that we may persist, and a∣bide, in the vnitye of his holy Church: and pa∣tiently abide the Lord his leasure, in rooting out errors, and heresies which disquiet thy lit∣tle flocke: They are exercises of our fayth: but yet blockes, whereat the wicked stumble: and hinderaunces of many a mans conuersi∣on, which the Lord our God foretold vs of: that in the latter dayes such should come: and such daungerous dayes should be: that if it were pos∣sible, the elect should be deceiued.