Spirituall encrease: or, Conclusions for pacifying the perplexed conscience of the weake Christian

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Spirituall encrease: or, Conclusions for pacifying the perplexed conscience of the weake Christian
Robertson, Bartholomew, fl. 1620.
London :: Printed by Nicholas Okes, for William Lee, and are to be sold at his shop in Fleete streete, at the signe of the golden Buck, neare Seriants Inne,

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Christian life -- Early works to 1800.
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"Spirituall encrease: or, Conclusions for pacifying the perplexed conscience of the weake Christian." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A10826.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 10, 2024.


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CON. 49.

Wee are reputed iust by the forgiuenesse of our sins, and this is iustificati∣on in the sight of God.


What are wee but iust in the sight of God, when there is taken from vs the imputa∣tion of all sinne? To be iust, is the same, as not to be a sinner: and in the way of faith, they to whom their sinnes are not imputed, are accounted not sinners, and therfore are accounted iust: for all the commandements of God are reputed to bee

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done, when that which is not done is pardoned; and hee who is reputed to haue done all the commandements of God, is reputed iust. Hee therefore to whom God pardoneth that which hee hath done, is reputed iust, and that which God deter∣mineth not to impute,* 1.1 is all one, is if it had neuer beene: for wee are iustified through the redemption which is in Christ; and redemption is by forgiueness of sinnes; and the not imputing of sinne, is the imputing of righteousnesse without workes: now forgiue∣nesse of our sinnes is yeelded vnto vs by vertue of the me∣rit and righteousnes which Christ hath wrought for vs, who was giuen for vs, and

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gaue himselfe for vs,* 1.2 who was made vnder the Law to redeem vs, and therefore is iust and righteous for vs; and what∣soeuer he hath done, he hath done for vs, hee hath shed his blood for vs,* 1.3 died for vs, rose a∣gaine for vs, and hath fulfilled all righteousnesse and obedi∣ence to his Father for vs,* 1.4 and so very iustly is accounted ours.* 1.5 Whatsoeuer hee hath done for vs, is no lesse then if wee our selues had perfor∣med the same for our selues. And thus by the imputation of Christs righteousnesse, our sinnes are couered, par∣doned, and forgiuen, and we are reputed iust by the righ∣teousnesse of Christ; because in the righteousnes of Christ is the forgiuenesse of our

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sinnes, and thereby no ac∣cusation is liable against vs, either as hauing done that which we ought not to haue done, or done that which we ought not to doe: for who shal lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect?* 1.6 And as Adam did beare the person of all mankinde, and wee all were that one man; and therefore what hee did, was as done by all and euery one: So did Christ beare the person of all the Elect and faithfull, and was accounted as them all in one: not one that made the forfeiture, and another the satisfaction, because one Christ is both the head and the body: and therefore what hee did, is likewise as done by all and euery one of vs.


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